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Thank you to everyone who entered the pin giveaway contest in June! Our winner is none other than lovely patron Rengin T... congrats Rengin :D
I'm doing a new small pin project soon, so we will be definitely be having some more giveaways in the near future :]

Speaking of the near future, I'm going to be streaming in a bit as well, probably around 6pm after I finish sending out like 2 more emails *sweats* but possibly starting earlier if I finish early. Either way you can come catch Friday's Meek page in progress at

>> https://picarto.tv/shingworks <

Btw, is it annoying to get these Streaming Now posts? I can try and find a better way to make this announcement if this is getting like, spammish.





I'm also subscribed via Picarto, I suppose, but I don't always get those notifications on my phone for some reason.

Rengin Tumer

Yaaaay thanks Der!