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ICYMI: A giveaway contest for all $5+ Patrons (that's you) going on rn, just comment before the month is out to be entered :]

ICYMI2: Another giveaway!!! You can win a free signed soft or hardcover Meek V1 book, simply reblog to this post to enter~

Did you know (you probably do) that it takes a lot of networking to be a successful professional in any industry? 

Did you know (maybe you don't) that by being part of my Patreon, you are in fact networking with me RIGHT NOW? Any time I see your name on the internet, we're networking! aaa

Just being present is a form of online networking... the more familiar I am with you, your name and your general demeanor, the more of a sense I get about you! If I meet you in person, that solidifies even more. You can make a lot of friends and connections in a ton of fields by practicing varying levels of passive and active online and in-person networking techniques. 

A bit of a caveat, I have social anxiety, not the "a little shy at parties kind" but the kind that negatively impacts my day-to-day ability to do normal stuff. To get around it I've developed a bit of hyper-sensitivity to other people's actions and I have to plan out some of my interactions in advance so I don't freeze when I'm actually carrying them out, which is where a lot of the thoughts in this tutorial come from. I thought it might be useful to point out a few common-sense cues for dealing with people online and otherwise, so apologies if any of it is obvious! but sometimes it isn't for some people, and I wanted to make sure that even socially-challenged folks like me feel like they can muster up the courage to make some new friends in art.

Thanks for reading, and the worksheet will be up soon!



Hannah Krieger

I was v excited to see this tutorial, because networking is seriously my weakest skill! This is so so helpful; I also have detrimental social anxiety so all the kinda obvious stuff in the tut is really valuable to me. Also that line about artists not knowing they exist and need confirmation is... so real...

Joie Foster

I absolutely love networking (I think of it as just making new friends-- takes the pressure off and helps guide what is appropriate and what isn't) but I still picked up lots of new tips and tricks! Thank you, can't wait to check out the supplemental worksheet :)