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LEVi... he sits on weapons because he doesn't care. He also probably doesn't mind being walked around as long as he gets to talk to someone.

We've made it back to the area that is shown on the chapter 4 cover page, which is full of active volcanics. Readers earlier had some questions about whether or not modern-day Mars has anything going on down there given the state of the core... basically, our core here on Earth is very similar to Mars in terms of composition (iron). It spins, and creates our magnetic field. The heat from the spinning core also drives convection in the more liquid layers, which gives us plate activity. On Mars, which is much smaller than Earth, the core has stopped spinning, and the magnetic field is pretty much dead. However there are localized pockets of both magnetics and volcanics. Mars is probably no longer active at the surface, but who can say in an underground pocket curated by a mysterious processor? Not I, surely.

You can read a nice overview of Martian volcanics on Wikipedia (and to remind you, the comic takes place under the volcano shown on the cover of Chapter 1, Ascraeus Mons).



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