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Rebekah ("Bex") Egunsola has always been a quiet but determined woman, slightly awkward but completely committed to her goals. Despite an outwardly friendly exterior, she privately grapples with feelings of selfishness and of being a failure, along with a very strong desire to be known for her good intentions.  

Bex is the unplanned youngest child of two very successful parents, both politicians. Her mother died shortly after her birth, and her much older brothers and her father were mostly occupied with their own lives during her childhood. From a young age she admired and wished to contribute to the success of her family, and was impressed with how essential it was for her to live up to her own potential. She was expected to be like her brothers and go into high office, or law, or engineering, or medicine- she went to the best private schools in the country and found she had a love and aptitude for the laboratory and expressing her creativity through scientific exploration, especially in the field of entomological husbandry. Fully committed to her work, she racked up accolades and funding and was attending school in America, on track to receive her PhD, when suddenly she found herself pregnant.

Now on Mars, having abandoned her children for the  continued advancement of her career, Bex is trapped between her guilt and the pursuit of a nebulous idea of becoming a successful, worthy person. Her fear of dying without having made a mark on humanity is overshadowed by a fear of having made all of the wrong choices without being able to explain why she made them.

She wishes badly for others to see her as a kind and generous person, but suspects that when the situation requires it, that she is unable to genuinely be so. 



Jac Gentile

Bex is layers and layers of complexity. I love it.