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Over on Discord there's been some fun ideas being put forward by trashman, rasenrob, and starclad. Vote below for anything that sounds like something you want in your room.

..."Nancy saying grin and BEAR it- a Wynn T shirt with “Mommy’s girl” or some sort of “spoiled brat”, Wendy with an evil expression hanging over the words "Sweet as Candy"

If you haven't heard, I'm migrating my comic store away from 'future' selling on Gumroad and moving over to Sellfy. (https://okayokayokok.sellfy.store/)

I won't get too into "why" here, but just know it's all about Gumroad becoming WAAAAYYY too expensive last year- and if you are a creator selling on gumroad I would also advise you to switch now rather than later. Happy to help anyone curious with more info.

On Sellfy, they offer Print on Demand Merch. I know patreon also does this but the economics and cost margins with patreon merch never looked great to me. (I don't want to have to charge $30 for a mug to break even, but sellfy does all the fulfillment for me and doesn't charge crazy $.)



I’d be interested in hearing more about why you’re moving away from Gumroad. I started branching out a bit last year to itch.io for my comic sales, but 75% are still through gumroad. Sellfy looks interesting, but unfortunately I think my comics will fall solidly on the “disallowed adult content” side of things, so they’re probably not a good risk.


When Gumroad went public on the stock market, they switched from $500 yearly and maybe like 3% per sale to sell with them. They changed their fee structure into 10% partner fee which doesn't sound like much until you start crunching the numbers. On gumroad, unless you earn less than $5,000 a year, you pay more. If you make a living wage through them, you're now going to be paying Gumroad about $500 a MONTH. Any other selling site is going to be cheaper for you than Gumroad. I'm really irked at gumroad for getting so greedy. They're really taking advantage of sellers who use them. I am going to be reaching out to them and letting them know how crazy they've become. I researched 3 other selling sites, and all 3 had miniscule partner fees when compared to gumroad. Maybe Gumroad has become too big to fail, but you can't or shouldn't run a business through Gumroad when there are plenty of better options. It's like choosing between paying $1,000 in taxes or $10 in taxes- it's that crazy. I'm really struggling this year and it's because of this.


Would love a Wynn or WW character T shirt. Or a Violet B T-shirt. That being said, I don't think I could resist a 6 inch figure.