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I'm calling it for the polls now, above are screenshots of where they ended up and the results are leading us into diapered people (no surprise there) & Gender Swap. Doll TF, the Crib Keeper, and a Robotic Nursery all seem like good themes to pick from.

DA polls don't allow multiple choice so I'm deferring more to the patreon poll- but anyways, the DA poll seems to back up patreon picks for the most part.

I've narrowed down the options to 8 ideas that seem to fit based on 1. matching the popular "theme-poll" options 2. how much pagespace an idea seems to need, 3. how it compares to other ideas submitted that are very similar, and 4. how well I feel that it fits into the Crib Keeper collection.

I feel very passionate about letting everyone know who submitted that there were TONS of GREAT ideas submitted (definitely over 100 and many of them could no-doubt be turned into a great comic) By submitting ideas, you help make this series great and I try to make it as easy as possible for you to contribute but it does mean a lot of entries come in. All unused ideas stay unused and basically get shredded, so you can always submit the same ones again or just tweek an idea and resubmit and who knows, it might win next time because it pairs well with another chosen idea or something like that where the stars align for it. I have put final ideas into polls before, but it's very hard to give away enough of the idea to cast an educated vote for without giving away the whole story before you even see a sketch. So, I'm going to pick 2 ideas from the 8 I have below. I won't mention names to protect ppl's identity BUT you can comment with your name and your idea for the credit if you want! (I'll amend or update the list below with your name included next to the idea)

I've summarized and created taglines for each idea to stir up some intrigue.

"Pure" Adult Diaper:

1. Crib Keeper visits: Jealousy and Gluttony of goodness : tg, mental reg, abdl

2. Cheerleader coach gets schooled... diaper schooled. Diaper and domination

3. A brother and sister have a bet. Witchy sis puts a spell on a diaper.

Robot nursery: 

1. An Airbnb vacation house equipped with new AI tech for... a hands-free vacation.


1. Hypnosis therapy in hypnosis, your female therapist controls your thoughts and calls the shots. Your mind... is her playground. 

2. Welcome to the doll-house, girls shrunk down in new house, and toys are eager to welcome them to their new home... Diaper doll/Toy tf, shrink

Living Stuffed Animals (i would be combing two similar submitted ideas)

1. Stuffed animal(s) returns from the dead and makes certain it will be loved and played with...

Hypnosis (i would be combing two similar submitted ideas)

1. 2 girls discover they've been hypnotized with trigger words...




Wow! All of these sound great! I can't wait to see how you make this issue.


Didn't you mention at some point there would be a coffee/TG story in this one?


i forget what happened during production of the last issue, maybe that was the flood, but all my plans had to get re-worked and i didn't have time and had to figure out what i could cut, and that was the 1 that got cut since it was going to be a 2-3 pager.


Any chance it will make in this one coming? Your TG stories are great!


i don't think so unless there happens to be a surprise and i end up with blank pages in the comic. usually it's the opposite and i've gone over the page count i was aiming for. But, the crib keeper-themed idea is similar but more of a story. the "halloween caffeine" story was more like a sequence.


They all sound fun and enticing . . . glad I save all my e-mails with story ideas so I can record them in my notes for later. That way I can re-share them next time and hopefully get to see another artist's take on them


You've always had good ideas, there's so many in the submissions folder that i feel there's a lot of pressure while narrowing them down. Sometimes, I feel like I'm throwing a dart at a wall full of ideas and hoping it hits the right one or one that I'm able to work some magic with.


hahahaahah, know that feeling . . . I get so many projects cooking in my head I have to just jot them down, number them, and then roll the dice to figure out which set to get attention first. If I can't figure it out myself, best to call in outside help by asking The Lord, or any of his helpers that might be nearby to what they think I should try and then send the dice flying. And if you want an easy salvo of ideas . . . just take any book of fairy tales and nursery rhymes and put your own spin on them right now, from saving all my e-mails and sharing ideas in chats, I've wracked up about 100+ story ideas. At least half-a-baker's-dozen of which are Heavies--as in mini-books and/or mini-epics.