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April: Wendy Wonka 2.8 (first half, preorder available at end of month) Maybe a Wendy Wonka contest? Submit what you would hope to see happen to Wendy Wonka for the finale. Take my top choices to a poll and winning idea becomes an alternate cover available in June.

May: Wendy Wonka 2.8 (2nd half, available at end of month) ALSO in May: Tales from the Crib Keeper 14 Story-Idea-Contest begins early May. (contest requesting ideas focused on bondage, machinery, shrinking, or mental regression/hypnosis. I'll leave it open to one story idea to have AR, but should not be a major theme.) 

June: Sketch Request-Commission Contest Month Tales 14 contest ENDS early June.

July+August: Tales from the Crib Keeper 14

Sept: Sketch Request-Commission Contest Month

Those are the Big Picture ideas for the next 6 months, but I'm sure there will be more things sqweeezed into each month. What is something you would hope to see added?




Love the idea of submitting ideas for Wendys fate! There is so much that could happen to her! Do you already have some ideas or trends in mind?


I do know how this issue ends, so it will just be for fun to collect ideas and see what someone would want to see happen to her- just labeled up front as an alternate cover too so it wouldn't lead anyone to think that's what actually happens in case it doesn't line up at all. That way there's no limit to what people could submit.


Ohhh that sounds fun! I am down to see her become basically a mass producer of all kinds of different candies, a living candy factory if you will haha, especially on the alternative cover


I think Wendy should be the one UNBIRTHED in the age chamber, and Willy thinks its a good thing for her; now she can start her life over and she can be raised right, and her new mother gets to be a part of the Wonka franchise.


On a punishing side, seeing as all this trouble stemmed from her "unhealthy addiction" for chocolate and thus hording it from the Oompa Loompas; and her erotic inclining toward expansions . . . trap/dump her in a vat that turns her into a living chocolate processor . . . she if force fed the raw chocolate until she is not only an immobile blob, but that everything coming out of her is processed chocolate, a.i. milk chocolate, fudge, etc. Her belly, cheeks, and breasts so huge that Charlie and the kids can use her for a chocolate-filled bouncy-castle! hahahahah On a liter side--playing toward a little RP I'm doing on DA--is finding a way to "rehabilitate" her. If she really did like the idea of having a kid of her own, she could do way worse than being like an Aunt to Charlie and she couldn't ask for a better kid as far as "good eggs" go. And Charlie and Willy can look after the Factory proper, and she can have her own division that uses her erotic ideas to cater to the "private sector" of customers. Main thing is fixing that killer chocolate craze of hers and taming that exotic side to make her a more "manageable" member of the team'n'family. Course the main reason I got that to work for the background of the RP was because it's in a world where the Wonka Factory was visited by my Demon Chef, Andres Rameses, who put her in her place, and cleaned up most of the messes she made so they could have a fresher start.


I would love to see a biologically pregnant housewife transform into something else. Whether it's AR, turning into a fruit, a cow... but the best thing is turning into a slime or super-obese


I'd assume since she's a little bit of everything, making her a huge chocolate cow beast would be the most ideal. With that being said, it sounds like fun idea to at least give her that final boss moment for an alternative cover. Bursting out of the chamber as this massive hulking beast of everything. She grabs Dianne and is licking/eating her. Glob eat glob world scenario. Just to emphasize she's not going down without some kind of fight.