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The two most popular sketches from the March sketch month have been voted for, the Deviantart Fav's have been totaled (as of March 28), and these are the winners!



Swifty D

Wouldn't the earlier uploads to DA have an advantage...?

Johann Strauss

Lately it seems like deviantart favs are picking the winners


I'd have to agree w you there. Normally, the polls and fav counts are closely aligned and reflect similar outcomes. Id have to go back and check, but i feel like this is the first time both polls had 1st pl results that weren't winners. I didn't advertise the polls as much as I normally do though so that might have caused less voting on patreon than normal. I'll try to come up with a different way to pick a winner next time that is more accurate but also makes it too difficult to cheat and vote multiple times... while remaining open to the public...(easier said than done)


That is correct. It provides an incentive to getting requests in early. I have to give ppl a reason to or else I could get slammed at the end, and not be able to do the contest.

Johann Strauss

I'm pretty sure the last expansion poll had the same thing happen. At least one did in recent memory.


Might I suggest using the DA poll system next contest. It works now, and you can see all the options without having to scroll down. Whichever has the most votes would win, favorites wouldn’t matter. One drawback is that you can only fit 10 options so you could leave out the lowest favorited options (since they won’t win anyways). This allows DA viewership to get involved. Just an idea, it wouldn’t be fun for people who paid for a sketch and then not being able to vote in it since it didn’t make the cut, but I’m just spitballing. There would be a lot more votes so I don’t think people will make a ton of accounts because the votes would be in the hundreds/ thousands. You could make the poll visible to followers only to help against bot accounts (not sure if that would help). Another idea, you could make two DA polls for expansion to fit all the options (6 and 6 if there are 12 like this months) and the two winners get a one day poll and the winner of that one gets finished. Or you could have a final four (2 winners from each poll)


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