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2022 is here, and so are the Sanderson Step-Sisters! New Year= New Issue!

I have a rough draft of a script that I wrote while on break and today, I'll be finalizing it so I can begin art production tomorrow! When I created the huge (1 and 2) S.S.S. volumes, I included a promise that when they reached a certain # of sales, I would do another issue. They reached that goal in November of last year, so it is time to bring them back for a new adventure which will take place in a single comic issue. They will be my lab rats for testing a new fetish out- futa.

During the 1st 3 weeks, I'll be sharing concept art and sketches, polls for comic content, and insights into past SSS comics. I'd like to do some quick sketches of the upcoming comic series, Mofo and Koko on Mondays- let's see if that is possible...

The last week of the month, I will be working on commission work. I am not accepting commissions, but I will be working on cleaning up past winning sketches, VIP commission comic page, and already-paid-for commissions.




I feel like 4 days to finish past winning sketches isn’t enough time, and you’ll probably have to end up pushing the commissions and past winners back again to February. I know there’s at least 2 past winners that need to be done (my sketch requests 💪) plus the 2 that won December. I don’t know how many more commissions you need to complete on top of that. 4 days won’t be enough time to “complete” at least 4 past winners and any commissions that need to be completed. The longer these are delayed, the more and more they’ll pile up, I don’t want you to get more overwhelmed than you already are 😬, the two winning sketches that the polls decided have been delayed since June. I feel like getting all the commissions and winners out of the way now would lighten the burden, and then you’ll be able to work on new projects without worrying about the other work that needs to be finished 👍 Perhaps instead of Momo and Koko sketches on Mondays, you could work on past winners/commissions. I know you’ve been wanting to work on that series for awhile, but the work load keeps piling up, unless you take a few weeks to finish all the sketches and commissions, you might get too far behind. I know people who have the $500 + tier will probably get annoyed that their commissions are getting pushed back further and further 😬 Also, unless it’s a secret 🤫. What other transformations (other than FUTA) will SSS have if any? Thanks!