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Is someone on the Solar Opposites writers team a Wendy Wonka fan? I want to know! That would be awesome. I present to you, the exhibits for consideration...

Exhibit A: Gummi Bear Pregnancy.  Exhibit B: Death by getting encased by Chocolate

If nothing else, it's nice to have your story's ideas validated by people you look up to. I am a huge Rick and Morty fan! Can't wait for season 5 (june 20)

To celebrate the similarities, these Wonka comics bought through gumroad are 50% off using this discount code: SAME!

Wendy Wonka #1: https://gum.co/zUPoe 

Wendy Wonka #4: https://gum.co/WOXn 

Wendy Wonka 2.1: https://gum.co/ziGAa 

What can we dream up next? Wendy Wonka 2.5 script goes into production this month. I'm getting ideas ready- are you?




The odds are crazy for this to just be coincidence! Right?


I can imagine Nancy, the detective, saying something like, "In my line of work, there's no such thing as coincidence."


Well she would probably be right.


Wow! How do we know that what your writing and drawing isn't actually happening in an alternate timeline for real!? Or your drawing stuff that can happen in the future?


The idea of Wendy actually killing her brother and Charlie puts a sour taste in my mouth . . . and I don't mean sour gummies . . . the only punishment suitable . . . connect all the chocolate processing systems together, funneling all the chocolate making into one big pipe that is shoved into her mouth and sealed on so that she is force fed every once of chocolate brewed in the factory . . . until it is not only bloating her into a mammoth blob, but that it is coming out of every pore and orifice . . . a first "taste" of what Hell has waiting for her . . . being the Devil's personal Chocolate brewing pot


sounds good to me! she probably couldn't resist volunteering for something like that.


She does love chocolate....


seems the only appropriate "punishment" for her . . . she took the factory by apparently psychotic means . . . so now she can be part of the factory itself . . . Though it would be nice to find out she just locked her brother and Charlie up somewhere so she can mess with them like living toys or pets . . . still cruel but not cold-blooded as that chocolate figure indicates.


What comic is the last image from? Wendy Wonka #2.1? I haven't seen that comic before. Does anyone have a link where i can buy?


Yes, it is Wonka 2.1 there is a link in the post and a discount code- same! For 50% off


I’d give it a definite maybe, based on this I say you have a good case. I haven’t gotten around to watching Solar Opposites yet, but I figure it shares Justin Roilands dark/bizarre humor. Rick and Morty makes jokes based around unique attractions/fetishes. I wouldn’t be surprised if they came across Wendy Wonka as a goldmine since it covers multiple fetishes other than inflation. When writing this post I wrote pretty much an essay with my ideas for the upcoming Wendy Wonka that I’ll share in a message. Though in the spirit of adult swim humor I think this may be a possible ending. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FlcUBK64nNA


Do you get the comic as a pdf or do you get a hard copy?