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First of all, if you missed the livestream you can still see the recording on youtubehere: https://youtu.be/Q9omUOoFHFY

I wanted to see if any of you have ideas for what painting or picture could be on display in this house. Right now, I am thinking of a few options like: 

wild, black stallion horse picture

family photo with no father in it/ or maybe he's been scratched out

picture of a cave entrance

a group photo of a bunch of women in robes

any other ideas for something sorta odd and out of place...but not too weird as to scare someone away? My mind goes to the Fear Tactics show- they were experts at this sort of thing!

This is probably the last post before Tales 10 pre-order is ready Sunday!




I don't know enough about the family to know specifically what powers they have but what about an old timey black and white picture of the family to show they haven't aged ever.


My other thought was a baby picture of the victim in some manner or maybe baby pictures of previous victims?


How about a black and white photo of this blonde victim when she’s a baby, perhaps someone could be holding her like a family photo. She wouldn’t know it’s her cause it’s black and white and she doesn’t remember what she looks like as a baby probably.


Perhaps of a bunch of small pictures, each one with a different baby that looks like they want to cry. Past victims.


i like this, but i wouldn't be able to get that much detail into a background element so much that it would translate. sounds like a good story element though!


Yeah I have no idea what the technical limitations are just throwing out ideas :)


I can already tell that I’m gunna LOVE this


I'm big on maybe a generic witch, an old time photo of the mother, sort of showing the original days. Depending on the origins of the twins you can take a chapter out of the Lifetime movie about the witch that every time her daughter's die she became pregnant and could show the generic outline of the twins brewing in momma's belly. I'm also partial to pictures of the first person, sort of like the mom likes to commemorate the first time she pulled the stunt she pulled.