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I took on a commission to finish a sketch this month to test out a new idea for the contest starting in June. June's Sketch Request Contest will see some changes like limited number of requests taken- (better chances for winning), opening up to requests through DA again but at a slightly higher rate than patreon, and guaranteeing that I will be open to finishing at least ONE sketch upon commission... if it doesn't win.

If you have any input or thoughts on how to change / improve the way the contest works, please know I'm always open to hearing your thoughts and seeing if there's a way I can adapt it to better suit your needs. As of now, I'm thinking it will be a "first in line" way of deciding which commissioned sketch to do if asked by more than one person.

Because I only have a certain amount of time in my schedule, I will be cutting back on the number of winners from 4 to 3 so that I can fit in a commissioned sketch. I understand that means it will be harder to win, so I am limiting the number of requests I will take. Last month we had over 50 sketches and 4 winners. So, to keep the odds the same (actually better odds), this month, I plan to keep it to 26 sketches total. That should also help me avoid any mistakes like missing someone's sketch.

I've heard some comments like "I know my sketch isn't going to win anyway" which has led me to think I need to offer a way for anyone to get a sketch finished even if it doesn't win. If you read my tiers, you'll see the discounts provided and how pricing works for finishing a sketch.




Since you’re limiting it to 26 sketches does that mean not every patron will get their request drawn? Wouldn’t it be better to keep the contest in Patreon only if that’s the case? Last contest there were a ton of request especially from deviant art. If you limit it to 26 it means patrons will donate money and not get a sketch drawn? Also, for the one commissioned sketch, would it be better to make a “commission” request poll and a winner could be chosen that way? The first come first serve seems unusual. There will probably be a bunch of commissioned request and if one wins a poll, that means patrons probably want to see that one done the most. I would have paid to have a finished sketch as would a bunch of other people I’m sure. Choosing one at random doesn’t seem fun for all the people that would have paid. A poll with just the “losers” that want to pay for a finished commission gives everyone a fair chance and nobody will feel like they got left out👍


Making a straw poll and then giving patrons a link to it might work better than two separate polls on here. I think the limit is 30 on that website instead of the 17 on Patreon. If there’s only 26 choices, you could put them all on straw poll (you can put the straw poll link on the same post as all the sketches). Another idea could be to offer a premium for a completely finished drawing along with the contest every other month. The people that want to pay a premium for a finished drawing can pay, and the people that want to try to win the contest can save money. For example, “single sketch $35 (finished $75) “double sketch” $80 (finished $120). Or whatever you’d want to charge for a finished drawing. You could make two separate tiers even for the finished option. You could also limit the number to like 5 for these tiers so you’re not overwhelmed. I think people will want to let donate larger amounts to you since you’re an artist. Having 2 premium tiers allows people to pay you more,


-in reply to the poll idea- that's a good idea and one that i considered when we ran into that problem last month. The good news is that the poll shouldn't be an issue again. I wasn't aware of the limit being 26 before this, but knowing that now, I would cut off requests before hitting that limit. I can limit the number of people in a tier, so I'll be doing that starting next month- if you want to check it out, you can see I've already been working on tier limits in the reworks. The premium tier for a guaranteed finish is a good idea too. I might eventually do that if this method does not work all that well in the beginning. And you're right in thinking I'd have to limit it to a few, but probably the number of people who could be in that tier to 1 or 2- esp if it is a double character sketch tier.


I will cut off the DA requests as soon as I reached a certain number that I'll set for each month. I took a lot of requests last month since it was a special occasion, but I had cut it off as soon as I realized I was running out of time to get them all done. So, I'll just do that sooner next time and plan better. I'm