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This genie needs a reality show. I like her sense of humor. Who wants to rub the lamp next?




I'm really digging the magic lamp wish gone wrong stuff!


This turned out amazing, the colors are fantastic👍. This is a prequel to “Birthday at the Wonka factory” if anyone was interested.


thanks, you know what else looks good... she's definitely gotten herself a hot new body!


Ooooh is there a link to what this is a prequel for? 👀


https://www.deviantart.com/okayokayokok/art/Moving-the-Marshmallow-839350826. This Link is part 3, scroll down for part 2 (wish gone wrong is part 1) I call this sequence “The Adventures of Jess and Tess” or something like that, it’s not copyrighted yet😝. Also, if you don’t want/have a deviant art account if you scroll down on this page,the two sequel drawings are in the Corona contest👍


I'd like to see comic based on this; A genie on a late night show who has members of the audience come up and make a wish only for them to go wrong in the most...sexy of ways, to contestants horror and the audience's amusement.


That idea sounds more like I should have a contest theme with the idea that whatever you request is going to be the result of a genie wish and I'd figure out how to twist it and make a "story" with all the sketches. Have you seen the rick n morty episode with the devil who opens a shop with cursed items?


My buddy at work watches Rick 'n' Morty every chance he gets and tells me about the episodes, if not showing them at work. But he hasn't told me about that one. But, Wish Magic is by far the wildest and most unpredictable . . . if you don't word your wishes carefully, anything can happen. Making it a perfect set up for mischief . . . would love to see some more antics!


Yes! And I love that episode! It is one of my favorites! I can see guests coming up to the genie and making some kind of selfish or ridiculous that ends backfiring on them. I would LOVE for there to some kind of contest like this, just to see a story everyone is involved in and see how everybody would like it.