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A NEW Sketch Request Contest begins now and runs next month (April)- here's the kicker: it will be hosted as a single contest using Deviantart AND Patreon. Meaning... if you remain a Patron in your current tier, you can request again next month on Patreon like you normally would. I'm going to open up "The Request Line" on my Deviantart and connect it with Patreon.  On Deviantart, requests will happen the same way they do on Patreon. ($20 for line-only single character sketch...$30 colored) Anyone will be able to request a sketch at the same price as a patreon tier for sketch requests. There will be no difference between requesting through Patreon or DA.

Voting will be a public post on Patreon (usually the poll is exclusive to $2+ patrons). Sketches will be posted as they are finished both on DA and Patreon. If you are already in a request tier and remain in your current tier, you won't notice any difference- just another contest like last month. There will be a 2nd clone poll that will be for patrons only that will gift an added bonus for patrons in the month of April, so watch for that.

I got a seriously hefty hospital bill that I am going to be using all proceeds to pay for. Medicare for all would be nice right now!

I like the sketch request contest because it checks off every level of interaction - 1. the artist gets some input 2. the requester (commissioner) gets a lot of input & 3. the community gets some input. Having it on Patreon and Deviantart should extend the reach and let more people join in while keeping the Patreon going without any interruptions.

In the meantime, Wendy Wonka 2.4 will still be in progress in the spare time I have between commissions. It will probably be delayed a ~week from running the contest again. How long it will be delayed due to rainy days and 2 preschoolers running me and my wife into the ground remains to be seen...





Does begins now mean you’re already accepting ideas and such?


yes, because i have an outpatient surgery scheduled for April 1st, I'm going to go ahead and start early. You can request now, though I'll have to check 'last payment' dates and I might have to wait to actually sketch it until a new payment is taken that will cover April. But once April 1st starts, that won't be a problem.


So how does this work? We message you on DA or here and then we get your PayPal info or do we increase our pledge?


there's two ways you can do it this month- you can pay through patreon or through PayPal- link is in my DA journal. If you are using Patreon, i should point out the request tier is $20, $30, 50, and $65. I'm getting more requests than I expected so its going to take me a few days to get them all done.


PMed you on Discord! Name: AlphineCentury