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I am coming into the last week of work on Tales 9, and am ready to share some more insight and ask you some more questions about its release as it grows closer to Feb 9th.

1- Above is another preview image of Tricked for Treats

2- I am starting to think about the cover and options for a cover. Since I am not even 100% sure I will make the Feb 9th deadline even working every night and saturday and sunday, it will have to be a cover I can get out fast. 1 possibility is to somehow reuse the Contest image and add something extra to it. Another idea, use a contest winner from the diapered category (spellcaster disaster) and make it the cover. Do you have any ideas or requests?

3- I am still toying around with the idea of a sequel to Twilight of the Crying Moon - Would you rather see 2 new stories or a sequel and new story in Tales 10?

4- What did you think of Twilight of the Crying Moon? If you like Age Regression, i think you're going to love Tricked for Treats. 

5- I have this thing where i tend to model characters after musicians- can you tell who the male character is modeled after? (It's not Clint Eastwood but...)




I would like to see a sequel to twilight of the crying moon. I enjoyed twilight of the crying moon I just wish it had age regression in it 😬

Swifty D

How can I read TotCM in order to answer that? Isn't it coming out in Tales 9?


Sequel would be cool.


yes, it's the first story in Tales 9 - if you pre-order, it is available to read with your pre-order.


On Idea for your cover; The Crib Keeper in a sexy witch outfit either holding a bowl of candy or a pumpkin. I'd rather see 2 new stories rather than a sequel. Don't get me wrong I liked Twilight, but I like seeing new stories in each of these issues even more.


Personally I wouldn’t worry about the cover too much. I know it takes time to draw and the story is more important than a cover. I would make it simple so it’d have some appeal for gumroad. Maybe a regressed girl holding a candy bar.


It doesn't matter to me whatever you decide I'm okay with it


i like those ideas! i would want to try to work in a diaper somehow. One thought i had was the crib keeper with a diapered woman over her lap about to get a spanking and it could double as an intro page with some dialogue about the story about to be told.


I would love to see a sequel! after i finished it, I was super curious to see what would happen next!


Do you plan to ever start mofo and koko? wonder how it will look!


I do, my NY resolution was to have a finished script chosen for it by the end of the year I've tried several variations of drafts of the story from different angles and trying it with different character traits. in my latest draft I added a new goo character im having fun with. it will be ready eventually! - lol im just taking my time with it and not rushing it into production.


So has it been released yet?


no, I'm keeping progress updated on DA, but im really sick and am getting as much done as i can and probably too much since i got worse yesterday. it's like our city has been hit w the plague. I've got 2 kids and they're both sick - the schools are closed because there's so many at home sick. I am inking the last page today and then it will be colors and cover