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I've been adding some more of my comics to the Amazon bookstore this week, and I had fun adding a few little extras to the back covers. This is one of those back covers.

What is cool about the Amazon kindle is that it allows me to customize the comics with the panel flow and zoom, so each new panel zooms in to fill the screen. It makes it like a flip book and some of the big butts, boobs, and bellies really pop out at you as they grow.

If you are curious and would like to see for yourself what it looks like, I will post a youtube video sample this weekend to help you see what I mean.

My Amazon Bookstore:  https://www.amazon.com/Jon-Ross/e/B01N5RSX46/ref=pd_sim_351_bl_6/139-9108393-8968165?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B01MYC1ML0&pd_rd_r=6c16c21a-93e2-4665-9487-7e3cf4fb109c&pd_rd_w=sNIVV&pd_rd_wg=w8eJC&pf_rd_p=04d27813-a1f2-4e7b-a32b-b5ab374ce3f9&pf_rd_r=158EVNS7BNR5M03N875Y&refRID=158EVNS7BNR5M03N875Y 



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