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Here is a behind-the-scenes look at the thought and sketch work that is going into creating the Crystal Caverns environment. I don't think I've ever attempted to draw a scene like this, so this will be a challenge for me requiring lots of notes, reference photos, attention to detail, and thinking. If you can think of anything cool to add, leave a comment!





So awesome! It kind of reminds me of the mining operation in Temple of Doom, haha. It looks fantastic as is, but might be fun to add like a large wheel or series of wheels...dare I say a waterwheel to drive the operations and give some motion....I like wheels.


what's this part for and what story


Yeah, water helps add movement in any landscape and water wheels add even more! Maybe on the right side sorta halfway offscreen but i cant figure out anywhere else it could fit


I think it's already pretty elaborate as is. I'm always stunned by the ambition and scope you put into your comics. Really hyped for this issue in particular.


There is so much going on here I feel like you could make this into a poster after it's done. Just looking at the rough is making me excited