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Hey! Since I'm getting a late start this month, I need to fill you in on the schedule for this month:

1. Tomorrow, Thursday 4/11 - Power Princess full comic will be finished and up for sale.

2. Tomorrow, Thursday 4/11- I will start on last month's contest winners. (I think I will finish with them by Tuesday, 4/16 at the latest. As I finish them, I will be using them to "advertise" the current month's contest.

3. Sketch Requests Contest - 4/24 will be the last day to make a request. I will have all sketches done by 4/25 so, Voting will be open 4/25-4/29. On the 30th, I have blocked out the day to work on the winning sketches.

4. Comic page commissions - after finishing the last month's contest winning sketches, I will be focusing mainly on doing 4 comic page commissions (change candy comic and erin the witch: abdl) that will be on display in the gallery when they are complete. I will be sharing progress sketches through Patreon.

5. After comic page commissions, I will start on Wonka 2.3 (featuring mainly weight gain and blueberry) ~last week of April (4/22)




Sounds good! Can't wait to see it all!


thanks for the update do you think the comic will be ready by tomorrow morning or afternoon?


tomorrow afternoon for americans!