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Ive been diagnosed with walking pneumonia which hit me really hard Sunday. I've been on antibiotics since Monday and things are looking better so i hope to get back to posting and drawing regularly by the weekend.
Ive been told that theres been an outbreak of diseases in the area- 2 schools closed due to the record number of sick students and teachers. My 2 kids got pink eye ontop of walking pneumonia so its been a real mess around here. The first time we took the kids to the dr, he said it was just allergies and thats been the case with a lot of other parents, so have to wonder if part of this is dr's fault misdiagnosing kids and okaying them for school. Is anything like this happening in your city?

During my down time im going to be brainstorming on how to restructure the request drawing for each month. Id like to reward/appeal to 2 of the main fetishes i work with instead of just 1. First idea i have would be to rotate each month expansion/ abdl. Another idea would be to do a colored drawing of 1 and a sketch of the other and rotate sketch and colored drawing. Another idea would be to create a new identical twin patreon page - each page would contain the same posts except for the reward drawing posts. One twin page would be dedicated to rewards for expansion fans and the other would be dedicated to rewards for abdl fans. Do you have any suggestions or does one of those ideas sound good to you?



all clear here! tho i had pnumonia when i was 7 and nearly died so lucky they caught it !


hey no worries take care of yourself and your family


that's first priority


Thank you! Hoping for a speedy recovery. I added some text to the post about new ways to do rewards- would enjoy getting your feedback or thoughts on upcoming changes


Wow! Really sorry. I hope u and your family recover soon. And I think the rotating fetishes idea sounds good!