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Here is another choice I have to make on a shot for a panel- the panel is a giant woman holding up a deflated person to check on them...meanwhile, shree hangs on the edge of the tower out of her view. -Should she be out of the reader's view? I thought it added tension and suspense if we know that she's not out of the picture and that Shree didn't just disappear. Do we need an establishing shot of the giantess? or is it more important to show shree's hands hanging onto the edge?




Number 2. I want a full view of the giantess!


2nd panel looks awesome.


The full view of the Giant Swamp Princess is far more impressive.


I think the first panel works to communicate flow of action (where Shree is) and also the opportunity to get a better look at the fully deflated person. So unless you have somewhere where both of those are established or further shown I would personally go with panel 1


While i like the full view of the swamp princess the first panel is much more well directed? Sorry im not sure if that's the right word. The point of view being from the edge seeing her still holding on is really nice. Panel 1 would be my choice


Thanks yeah i like the composition. I might need an establishing shot of her as a giantess tho. If i can i might squeeze in both