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I'm working on the progression on the RIGHT side panels... 1st- she is "inflated" to the point of popping- she can't get any bigger 2nd- she starts deflating as the darkness exits her body 3rd - the darkness has fully left her body and it is now basically a black pile of bones as she collapses to the floor.

So, do you think the spherical sketch looks better for this? Or does the one where she has more of a figure and you see her arms flailing work better?




I prefer the second one


I think it depends on the context of the initial inflation. If it's a sudden surprising inflation the spherical one would make more sense. Because it seems like just dark energy filling her then expelling leaving her a husk, I would go with the first one.


I think the first one looks better

Sebastien Deam

The first, because I love fully inflated babes the best 👌


definitely the second one shows more of her breasts


The 1st one has more effect on me like she might pop. The second feels like more of the same...so I vote #1


Tahnks for all your input. I think we'll go with the first one that shows her more sphere-like and balloony


second one