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The time has come for you, the esteemed judges, to help us select the winner of the Grand Prize for our 2022 contest!

Each entry in this contest consists of a pitch for a one-episode Gundam story that might have been made, in an alternate timeline, instead of 0080 War in the Pocket. We'd like you to imagine that you are a producer at Sunrise or Bandai deciding which pitches to greenlight, which to send back for revisions, and which to reject. 

Voting for this initial round will remain open until the end of the year. At that point the pitches that received the most positive responses will advance to a head-to-head bracket stage to determine the final Grand Prize winner.

To make things as fair as possible the pitches are presented in a randomly determined order and we've set the poll to require a response to every entry. Please take your time and give each one a fair consideration.

Please also be sure to enter the same email you use for your Patreon account. We'll be validating entries based on those emails and any entry that we can't link to a currently active Patreon account will be rejected.


Mobile Suit Breakdown's 2022 Contest: First Round Voting

Thanks for helping us crown a winner for our 2022 contest! Before you get into the responses, here's some important information about how to use this form and what to expect as you go through it. The ID#s attached to each entry have been randomly assigned. The pitches are presented in a random order.


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