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Hello patrons,

Those of you who have listened to the most recent episode have already heard but - my computer broke down last weekend. Dealing with that (from trying to fix it myself, to taking it to a repair shop, to finally deciding to order a new one) took up a lot of my week, and was pretty disruptive to the work flow here at MSB Headquarters.

As a result of these delays, plus not having access to all of our files, this month’s patrons rewards will be a little delayed.

I’m doing my best to mail all cards and boxes by the end of the month, but this means if you’re due a reward, you may not receive it until early next month. Thank you for your continued support, and if you have any questions please reach out to us via patreon message or email (gundampodcast@gmail.com).

Stay genki!

- Nina



These things happen. Having just replaced my own PC I can sympathize.

Jeffrey M Heimann

Technology is a great and wonderful tool that makes our lives so much easier, until it breaks down and makes even the simplest tasks impossible.