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Thanks to all of you, we just crossed the $1500 threshold! And that means we've just fulfilled one of our pledge goals! 

Earlier this year we promised that when our Patreon reached $1500 a month, we would dedicate a portion of that money each month to supporting the incredible Gundam fan creator community.

So now we're going to do that!  Are you an independent artist who loves Gundam and does commission work? Do you know someone who is? Because Mobile Suit Breakdown wants to pay you money to make Gundam-inspired art! 

Every month we're going to be commissioning art, buying gifts from independent creators for our patrons, and finding other ways to give back! The artists will get fair pay (and credit), we get art to share with our fans, our Patrons get cool art and cool merch, and the amount of Gundam-inspired art in the world increases! 

(We have a liberal definition of "art" for this. Illustration, music, cosplay, sculpture, dance, poetry? Can't draw mecha? Only draw mecha? Only ever draw chibi Garma snuggling with chibi Char? We're open to it!)

The monthly budget is still small, but it will grow as the podcast does! So if you'd like to be on our list of artists, let us know. If you know someone else who might, please pass the word along!

And as our Patrons, get ready to reap the benefits...



Can I pitch you on a comedy sketch about federation budget meetings?


Yes! Would you be performing it, or just writing it and then Thom and Nina would perform it?


i've had it half planned for a while as a double act between a friend and myself, but could re-write it for four.


Would you need any music or new audio cues for episodes?


That could be really cool! We've never commissioned music before, so we'd have to talk to you about how that works, but we're very interested! Please message us rates/more info.