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Thanks to your support, we were able to take some extra time this month and finish a couple of research pieces that we loved but couldn't fit into the regular podcast! We're calling this one Cut for Time: Beards and Balls Edition!

Show notes:

- The Simms Motor Scout mentioned in the episode!

- A very readable history of facial hair in Japan from Tofugu.

- A brief discussion of beards in the Japanese army before WW2, with pictures.

- A picture album of Civil War soldiers. Note how many of them have some variation on the Burnside/Imperial/ a la Souvarov/Flanagan.

- Ambrose Burnside in his prime. 

- A brief history of the European military mustache.

- Book describing Dutch military uniform regulations, including boots "a la Souvarov":

Wellington's Dutch Allies, by Ronald Pawley, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2012

- Anglocentric view of the 1800s beardsurgence.

- Another looking at the same subject with more of a gender and sociology bent.

- Relevant wikipedia entries: Ambrose Burnside, Franz Joseph I of Austria, Alexander Suvorov, and Werner von Siemens.

- 2001: A Space Odyssey Pod picture.

- Artist rendering of a Ball turret.

- A very detailed fan page all about the design of the Pod.

- Relevant Wikipedia pages: Ball turret, and "The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner."

- Music: Lloyd Rogers - "Ground Machine (after purcell)"

- Wen segment music: Lloyd Rogers - "Golden Riddles, Echoes and Points (Act II)" 



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