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Thom and I have very different work habits. Thom types everything - in a script-making program, no less! I’ve tried typing my scripts, but for whatever reason I find writing easier if I do it by hand. The only exception is when I’m writing recaps, and need a running word-count to be sure I’m not letting it get too long.... Mostly, this means that Thom’s half of the table looks very tidy, and mine is always covered in papers that are never in the right order. Any paper-rustling sounds in recording are definitely from me!

Do you have questions about us, our work process, the podcast, Gundam, anime in general? Don’t forget that as Patrons you have priority to submit questions for our upcoming Q&A episodes! Message us through Patreon to submit any questions.

Next week on behind-the-scenes, I make Thom explain all of our recording equipment :-)

- Nina



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