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Hey everyone!

We have just updated our Patreon description, check it out:


Welcome to Pony Town! • c •
Pony Town is a free multiplayer browser game that is all about socializing. Create your own pony character and make some friends!
You can play the game right now at https://pony.town/ !
The game is currently in Alpha and we are in the process of implementing our core gameplay features while also providing regular content updates. So far, you can customize your characters, meet other players and create your own space to hang out in with your friends by building a house on your personal island.
We plan to expand the game with various fun social activities, including a town with minigames and various locations to hang out in, as well as more ways to interact with other players and additional role-playing features.
We are very excited for the future of this project. You can help us make it a reality!
Since the game is completely free, we rely on your support to make it happen. Thanks to you, some of our team members are able to work on the project full-time. The more support we get, the more time we can spend on the game!


This is a very important step for us as we get closer to our vision of what we want Pony Town to be: An online social hub for all kinds of things to do with friends, and also a place to make new friends. Its main focus will be a town where you can find various activities to do, minigames to play and people to meet. We have basically endless ideas that would be fun to add!

We are currently hard at work brainstorming and concepting the details of what the town is going to include and are hoping to bring the first results to you soon.

What kind of places and activities would you like to see in Pony Town? Discuss in the comments below or over on Discord.

(\ • c • /)



I remember hearing there would be some RPG style stuff happening in it also? Was I wrong? I feel like I’m wrong


Is there going to be a table update? I don't remember who I asked, but someone said we'll be able to put items on tables? Thank you for all your hard work these past few years, so glad I could be a part to help keep it going. 👋🏽😃💚


I think some sort of trading hub would be nice! If we’re going with the concept of a town, this should also mean that people should be able to grow their own trees and fruits etc.! The docks could possibly be expanded into this concept, or there could be something like a Farmer’s Market kind of deal? I think a cool activity would be like a racing game kind of concept? And by racing I mean whoever can run the faster whilst avoiding obstacles, etc. Another cool idea would be just a simple game of would you rather or thing v thing? For example ‘Cats vs Dogs’ or something kinda like what they do at spawn from time to time?? Just some ideas ^^


Congratulations on the hard work so far. Recently I’ve become a patron due to the amount of time I spend in the game, might as well help you guys make it better for everyone. It’s already an extremely pleasant experience so far! As for the suggestions for games or what you could do, maybe something simple like card games? I am aware this is not as easy to code as it sounds, but I’m certain many people would like it if it became a reality. Something like uno or tycoon card game. Tic-tac-toe is fun by itself, and rock paper scissors is also a nice simple game that is luck/rng based and could be useful and fun in the game ! Thank you once again for hearing us out and keep working hard. ❤️


I neeed my campfireeeeee!! 😆


I'm very happy that soon there will be updates of the city! Also, I can offer my ideas - I would like to see monuments of any characters (gone administrators, famous people, players), they could be put in different corners of the map - of course in the center, on the spawn and pier. I'm also thinking a little bit about new actions - for example, sniffing flowers, whounding, noding, rolling your eyes. Or you can add an action that allows unicorns and alicorns to hold items of magic. As for ideas for the city, you can add currency, stalls with new products, a map of the pony town (with the names of places and rivers/lakes). Also, I have been dreaming for two years that in the pony town added some animals - squirrels, hedgehogs, or other forest and rural inhabitants. (I'm shocked by how much I wrote)


By the way, many players dream of the weather (rains, fogs, thunderstorms, heat, snowfall)


hmmm, i would honestly like more pants, shorts, and ingame features - weathers


I'd absolutely love more customization options, like the ability to add more than one type of marking on the body/face, or more mane/tail and clothing styles. Another interesting thing for customization, I think it'd be really nice if you could add different body types for the ponies. I know this would take a lot of effort, in creating things like new animations for each body type as well as setting up clothing and coloring options on each one, but I think many players would love the opportunity to make ponies that are shaped differently, such as buff or chubby ponies, or even foals. Minigame wise, I think it'd be cool to have game tables where players can play games such as connect four, tic tac toe, or checkers/chess against each other.

Nightfall Gloam

Year of the Town, I really like the sound of that! ^^


imagine freckles!


We will continue adding content updates such as more character customization. However, our focus this year will be on the town and other core features!


The ability for users to have one or more public island maps that can be found through search/a code, allowing others to visit. Perhaps with voting and a weekly rotation featuring the most popular maps.


To compliment this feature, it'd be nice with some more "gamey" elements for people to place on islands - things that can be interacted with. Gates, pits (jumping?), no-fly zones, shovable boxes, etc.


An actual town with buildings. "Shops" that allow people to customize ponies while in-game, making OC design a more collaborative experience.


Easter egg painting?


Different indoor areas, like restaurants or barns, very good for roleplaying with. Maybe a party house or a bakery. I'd love to see cupcakes of Different frosting colors! Maybe an inventory system as well, like if you have an apple, save it for later, and bring it back open to give it to a friend. Maybe more live animals other than the bunnies like bees or chickens for barns, beehives, flower shops, bouquets. Just some random brainstorming ideas.


I would LOVE to see more, species possibilities. Just look at what the others have figured out what do to with their creations that aren't actually ponies.


I've been in pony town for 2 years and something I've always wanted was that you could add transparency to your ponies, it's something that would help the game a lot. What do you think pony town team? I am looking forward to your response.


Hello, something like that is not completely out of the table, but a feature like this can have a lot of problematic issues. There're still a lot of things missing in the character editor anyway, only recently we added such a basic accessory as facial masks, for example.


что это такое у меня нечего нету я пишу а у меня обычно пишет а я покупала 3 уровень


Здравствуйте, вам всё ещё нужно подключить Patreon к вашему Pony Town аккаунту. Эта статья объясняет, как это сделать patreon.com/posts/how-to-connect-17356112. После подключения Patreon, саппортер должен появиться в течение получаса.


Я купила, у меня нечего нету


Здравствуйте, вам всё ещё нужно подключить Patreon к вашему Pony Town аккаунту. Эта статья объясняет, как это сделать patreon.com/posts/how-to-connect-17356112. После подключения Patreon, саппортер должен появиться в течение получаса.


Maybe a school, or greenhouse?


Also, the ideas the team comes up with for event servers are always amazing. I'm blown away each time