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  • Added gifts to collect
  • Added 56 new toys to find in gifts
  • Added 4 new music tracks
  • Added new placeable objects:
    - Large decorated pine
    - Crystal garlands
    - Decorated branches
    - Snow and ice wall pieces
    - Wreath
    - Winter picture
    - Candy canes
    - Moon shaped cookies
    - Bench seats
  • Added /toy command to hold a toy (/toy 1)
  • Added ability to take items from stockings
  • Added notification for other players clearing, resetting, loading map or changing season
  • Added confirmation to loading and creating new map to manage maps menu
  • Added transparency effect to decorated pine
  • Added Russian localization to more messages
  • Improved messages when giving items
  • Improved responsiveness when moving objects
  • Improved some toy positions
  • Fixed new map button being disabled when there are no free map slots
  • Fixed stockings and garlands changing height when placed over water
  • Fixed boats having water wake when placed on ice
  • Fixed some UI issues
  • Fixed some map errors
  • Optimized building UI performance

You can change the toy you're holding using the Toy Stash object, or using the new "/toy" command, ("/toy 1" to hold toy #1)!

* c *




I love this update, I love the new toys, I need only 30 minutes more, cuz' the pc player are spaming the E key and the mobile player like me don't have good time to got gifts, but anyway, we love so much the update.


Could you please keep the Xmas gift update up a little longer than the Halloween update? I am usually not on the game that often during the week and the game gets extremely crowded at the times I'm on. Is there a way you can extend the length of the update by a couple of days more?


Could you make it were u can disable and enable the face like the face u used last time to the one on put on your skin originally on the edit thing like how u disable spawning to the spawn point- I honestly don't really know how to explain this


hello pony town ^^


Could you please make an update to increase the chances of getting the remaining toys like you did last year? It really helped me out doing that last year because I am almost there with the toys. I have 108 toys so far and I haven't gotten any new ones in a while.


How long will the update last?