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  • It's winter!
  • Added 2 new winter beach music tracks
  • Added pillowless bamboo bench to placeable objects
  • Added winter variants of grapevines, rose bushes, blueberries and beach objects
  • Added confirmation to save, load, reset and clear buttons in building menu
  • Added warning for disabled hardware acceleration
  • Fixed not being able to restore toolbox
  • Fixed issue with placing water rocks on objects on ice
  • Fixed music not fading when switching tracks
  • Fixed issue with eating when near interactive objects

• c •




Is it possible to add "snowponies" as an placeable object? And I'd love a campfire added to the game. Thank you so much! I love your game and it's been sucking the life out of me for 7 days now.


Seasonal objects such as flowers and snowponies will be added in the future, they still require some more work though.


Должен показываться в настройках Pony Town аккаунта.


Disculpe tengo una duda, una vez eh pagado el mínimo para para apoyar a pony town pero ahora me registra que "estoy pagando" cada mes a pesar de que solo pague una y casi ni uso Pony town hoy en día. Como detengo los pagos que no hice??


Hello, you can postpone your subscription from subscription settings (a button called Manage memberships opens them)


Сейчас решила посмотреть историю платежей, деньги списались, членство не дали


У тебя ПТ подключён к патреону?


Tengo una duda como saber si ya tengo suport como me debe a parecer?


Hello, you can enable supporter chat color by using /ss, if that's what you're asking?