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This update adds a big map expansion along with a new beach location and a summer upgrade to the environment!

There is a small beach to the north west and a large one at the south of the map. Be sure to check out everything!

Here's the list of changes:

  • Increased main map size
  • Added beach
  • Added 4 new beach music tracks
  • Added music changing based on location
  • Added shallow water
  • Added collectable pearls
  • Added pearl emoji
  • Added beach harbor
  • Added fast travel between harbors
  • Added expanded mountain area
  • Added patio
  • Added picnic spots
  • Added pickable placed food
  • Added various other small locations and hangout spots
  • Added pickable poppies and dandelions
  • Added pickable blueberries
  • Added rose bushes
  • Added ability to blow held dandelions using E
  • Added "Use item / Interact" action (same as E)
  • Added new placeable variants for pumpkin, rock, and small trees
  • Added ability to boop grapes while flying and lying
  • Added /land alias to /stand command
  • Improved spawn
  • Improved main harbor
  • Improved various other map locations
  • Improved colliders of some objects
  • Improved flying critter movement
  • Improved some UI elements
  • Changed fruits to spawn only under the trees
  • Fixed some map errors
  • Fixed being able to boop grapes from a long distance
  • Fixed issues with undo history of removed objects
  • Fixed kiss-to-trot transition missing in some cases
  • Fixed fang color being incorrect in some cases
  • Fixed players getting teleported when swimming
  • Fixed lights sometimes loading in late
  • Fixed some playback issues when switching music tracks
  • Optimized game performance
  • Optimized server performance

The test server has also gotten some updates. Check it out here.

(\ • c • /)



Liberty Marie Lemont

When y’all release new major layout updates to the main map, can you release an overview of the map so it is easier to navigate?


What if they put up a skating rink when it is Christmas to skate on the ice? (greetings from Latin America)


Will you guys add the beach stuff and bushes to the island soon? ^^


Are we gonna get a picture of the entire map of pony Town?


We will post a new map some time later, and somebody in the community already made a good stitched up version of ithttps://www.reddit.com/r/PonyTown/comments/ibazfo/new_pony_town_map_high_res/


It will be released soon, right now you could check the community made version https://www.reddit.com/r/PonyTown/comments/ibazfo/new_pony_town_map_high_res/


What about changing "Give item" into "Exchange item"?


Adding exchange is something we want to do in the future, it just needs some UI figuring out for it.


When picking up a Puff flower, spamming "sneeze" and standing still the Puff flower appears for short and stays so you can make particles for ever xD


Yeah that's a known issue and it's already fixed, it will be released with the next patch.


Can you add a supporter think? since theres party think and normal think ;w;


Hey! I personally think it would be cool to make slight alterations of already in game clothes! Nothing to big but an example of what I mean would be the bead necklace could have a slightly changed version that has a shark tooth on it to keep with the summer theme? I’m not sure if that would be a difficult suggestion or not but I thought it was a cool idea to share with you guys^^