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This update features multiple map saving slots, which includes increased slot numbers for supporters!

All users get 2 slots. Tier 2 gets 5 slots in total and Tier 3 gets 10 slots in total. 

You can view and manage your maps in the "Manage  maps" menu, accessible from the settings dropdown or with an action bar action. 

Here's the full changelog:

  • Added multiple map saving slots
  • Added "Manage maps" menu for managing saved maps
  • Added action for "Manage maps" menu
  • Added /renamemap, /clonemap, /deletemap and /listmaps commands
  • Added ability to combine front and side horns
  • Added ability to have mismatched side horns
  • Added ability to have mismatched ears
  • Added ability to have mismatched wings
  • Added ability to undo reverting character
  • Added ability to change char preview background color
  • Improved selecting players in front of interactive objects
  • Improved click-to-look behavior when selecting players
  • Changed /savemap and /loadmap commands to optionally accept slot number
  • Fixed wrong fang color showing in UI in some cases
  • Fixed some other UI issues

Also including mismatched horns, ears & wings:

 • c • 




Woah! Amazing update, been waiting for these things for so long. Thank you!


Custom tear colours and option to disable blinking for characters and statues that don’t blink? <3 awesome update btw! Been waiting for mismatched horns =O


Thanks for a the updated also could u make it able to trade skins or give skins :> ? Like give skins to friends and trade them


yes!! I've been waiting for this update :D


Pls hagan que las islas puedas ser cargadas en mapas públicos de una vez y que amigos que tengamos en party puedas visitarlas


Islands are still in development, once they're ready, they will be editable outside the test server as well.


Ooh, well. Perdón no me había dado cuenta. Otras Cosas que Podrían ser añadidas al Juego serían acciones mas Rudimentarias como por ejemplo saltar. O una acción que sería Acostarse Por completo con cabeza baja o patas arriba. Gracias por seguir actualizando este bello juego :'D!


I had picked up a clover last night before I signed off, but I didn't drop it so I could still have it when I got on today and apparently, it swapped my item back to the last item I picked up before the clover (which is usually a lantern for me because I pick up crystal lanterns in the cave a lot). It did keep track of the number of clovers I have collected from yesterday. Is there a way you can make a bug fix on saving a held rare item so it isn't dropped when you "poof" when you go inactive? It always takes me a while to find a patch that has a clover or two there to pick up another. Also, if you could increase the frequency that the clovers spawn so that they appear more frequently, that would be good too.


i was just gonna ask wat if pony town could have an update where our heads could be down while sleeping?


will the glitch thats caused by using "w,a,s,d" and numberpad at the same time get fixed? it makes the character start to walk, unable to stop unless we exit the game and re-enter, will that be fixed because it happens pretty frequently to me?


Hello, we haven't seen this bug being reported, we'll see if we can reproduce and fix it.


I don't want to offend, but this is my opinion: It would be much more fair and great for everyone to add at least 4 spaces to save houses / islands / maps I do not know if I explain but it is that it bothers me a little that those who are not followers and those who are (level 1) only have two spaces to keep a house. and I have two reasons to ask for forgiveness: 1: I think I seemed rude, I don't know 2: I don't speak English, so Translator did the job for me lmao


Hello, saving slots are very expensive for the server, so we have to limit the amount due to technical reasons. We are able to give more slots to supporters due to a very limited amount of supporters per regular users. If we didn't add premium slots, it wouldn't have been 10 slots for everyone, it would have been only 2 slots for everyone without any option to get more slots, which definitely sounds worse.