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  • Added ability to give items to players
  • Added new flowers to hold
  • Added light and dark wood to house floor options
  • Added a setting to only receive items from friends
  • Changed rose sign to flower sign
  • Improved rose
  • Improved volume control
  • Fixed o,o and o.o being the same when using a beak
  • Fixed a mane having an extra pattern color
  • Optimized game performance
  • Optimized server performance
  • Reduced network traffic usage

And 0.64.1

  • Added notification when you sent an item give request
  • Increased give item notification timeout from 30 to 60 seconds
  • Fixed issues with give item notification disappearing

You can give items by clicking a player. The option is below Friend Request in the menu.

Also, object limits on the test server island have been increased from 750/1000 to 1000/1500!

 â€¢ ↄ • /)c • 




can you add doors or smthin inside the house? it would be quite cool. : ' )


lol just lockin people out be like