Update v0.53.0 published (Patreon)
2019-08-29 02:52:20
2019-11-05 20:48:51
- Added custom servers ( https://pony.town/about )
- Added export option for ponies (character page)
- Added editing house floor tiles
- Added more placeable object for the house
- Added way to cycle backwards through item list by using Shift + E while holding the hammer tool
- Added /lockhouse and /unlockhouse commands for preventing other people from modifying the house
- Added /removetoolbox and /restoretoolboxcommands for removing and restoring toolbox object from house map
- Added switching placeable items and tiles by using mouse wheel
- Added switching tools using Shift + scroll wheel when you're inside the house
- Unlocked other objects in the house for removing
- Unlocked walls in front of windows from being placed
- Increased house object limit
- Fixed issues with house map saving using /savehousecommand
- Fixed being able to place object in house behind wall
We plan to keep releasing updated versions of custom servers along with new features coming to the game.