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Server went down after CPU fan broke, everything is fixed and back online.



I have been a supporter for a day or two. (Maybe three?) I have yet gotten any of my reward privileges,..or must I do something extra? Mine is the $1 pledge.


Try connecting your Patreon account to your Pony Town account.


Thanks :) also idea for the future: Maybe dancing animations? Like bobbing of the head when headphones are on as an option, tapping hooves, and straight up boogieing? :)


i have a suggestion, add pets


add an apple crunch sound effect please


it would be perfect


Pets would be great! perhaps we can feed them apples, tame them or buy them by the apples or clovers we collect. Perhaps making all the event collectibles (clovers, candies, presents) with a currency in which we trade them for items like pets, accessories, equipment etc. BUT this is just a suggestion, so if you don't have time for any of this that ok ^^ these are just ideas.


My character is invisible for everyone but me?!


Will booping be added to flying?


Your account is fine, I see another account on your IP if it's yours I can fix it and merge both of your accounts


will you someday add making a salto or smth like that to the flying?, because it is almost like sitting down, when u press x once u sit down, press it down twice, u lay down, will something like this be added to the flying? bypressing c twice?


oh crap, sorry didn`t know xD thanks for the answer tho,also amazing work! really look up to u guys ^^!


Can we splash around in puddles, like in one of Tio's videos?