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The Drydock - Episode 245 (Part 1)

00:00:00 - Intro 00:00:29 - What's your favorite ship design that you have created in Ultimate Admiral Dreadnought? 00:03:49 - How much work is required to convert from coal burning to Oil? 00:07:32 - If the Japanese hadn't moved down the Solomon Island chain and stayed in Rabaul and focused on New Guinea, what do you think the plans for the US would have been when starting their offensive? 00:10:52 - What were the prospects for 'Ships Boys' in the Age of Sail? 00:16:00 - How did WWII navies adapt to losing access to certain resources needed for their ships, such as metals, fuel, etc? 00:23:51 - How would the US Navy have reacted if USS Hornet was captured by the Imperial Japanese Navy at the Battle of Santa Cruz? 00:27:12 - How much comparative say did Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin have in their nations Naval procurement? 00:29:47 - Direction of travel for an Age of Sail ship? 00:33:09 - How did American Carriers perform in covering Operation Torch as opposed to later actions in the Pacific? 00:36:33 - What is a Galleass? 00:43:40 - Influence of captured French ships on British design? 00:47:49 - What could be learn from Shinano's wreck? 00:51:55 - Going by total tonnage sunk, which carrier-launched aircraft was the most effective out of everything used in the the Pacific Theater of WW2? 00:56:00 - Flashless powder shortages in the later part of WW2? 01:00:19 - Operation C goes better for the RN? 01:08:44 - Why did the neutrality patrols off the coast of Spain during the Spanish Civil War require the presence of heavyweight units like HMS Hood or HMS Barham? 01:11:11 - Long battleship guns and barrel droop? 01:16:58 - Did the US Navy fight in a battle line engagement using capital ships prior to Surigao Strait? If so, what were these battles? 01:19:35 - William IV's career in the Royal Navy? 01:21:59 - Where did the name for USS Robin come from? 01:23:55 - Triple 15" on the R class? 01:27:30 - Did German battlecruisers have massively more pumping capacity than their British counterparts? 01:33:49 - First torpedo defence system? 01:37:52 - What were the regulations on naval officers and crew bringing personal weapons aboard ship? 01:41:26 - Richelieu's rate of fire? 01:46:11 - Was there anything the French Navy in WW2 was particularly good at? 01:50:16 - Has there ever been an occasion where a shipyard went hurry-up just to make “their” ship the lead-ship (and namesake) for a class? 01:52:41 - Naval history on wikipedia? 02:00:10 - Are there warship names of the former Axis powers that shouldn't be used again? 02:06:12 - Issues with poor quality coal? 02:09:21 - Are there any books and other resources that have pictures/drawings of naval uniforms (men and women), from 1800 to 1950, from the various navies around the world? 02:11:45 - How does the number of blades and their pitch effect a propeller's performance? 02:16:19 - Why did the collision between RMS Empress of Ireland and MV Storstad occur and who is ultimately to blame for it? 02:20:48 - Why on earth did Royal Navy used and apparently had purpose built paddle-wheeled minesweepers during WWI ? 02:25:04 - What is the secret sauce that made the performance of the 16"/50 better than the 16"/45? 02:27:59 - If copper and tin deposits were in a much higher quantity compared to iron deposits would it make it cheaper to create bronze how would this effect the development of naval guns from the age of sail to the modern day? 02:31:46 - How has the volume of paperwork aboard a ship at sea changed throughout time and what are some of the reports that would be written? 02:36:06 - Did the IJN rotate crews between their (still floating) ships often? 02:40:10 - What exactly happened to cause the miscommunication that resulted in the Iowa's 16"/50s being what they became? 02:43:14 - How did navies address the dangers of embers and hot gasses igniting the sails on early steam/sail ships? 02:45:14 - How are the ranges moved on a range clock? 02:46:42 - Shipping in the Dead Sea? 02:48:21 - If Germany and the High Seas Fleet had not been subjected to the restrictions of Versailles, but simply forced to comply with the Washington Treaty restrictions at the same tonnage as France and Italy, 175,000 tons, what might this German navy have looked like? 02:50:57 - Where did the ponderous nature of CSS Virginia come from? 02:53:15 - Induction hardening steel in WW2? 02:56:41 - Could we make hardened steel armour easily today?


Ted Jones

Some things the US was short of during WW2 included rubber and quinine and manila rope. They were able to come up with lesser replacements for these. Why would the British battle cruisers need more pumps when they have magazines to explode? (Joke)