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The Drydock - Episode 230

00:00:00 - Intro 00:00:55 - How does breaking up a ship for scrap work? 00:05:23 - What was the Yamato equivalent for the Age of Sail, Ironclads and Pre-Dreadnoughts? 00:11:20 - Armoured cruiser upgrade plans? 00:17:41 - How good was visibility from the conning tower from KGV and QE? 00:21:24 - Small tube boilers and maintainence? 00:25:22 - What is the benefit of a firetube boiler? Why did it remain the primary type for locomotives, traction engines, steam wagons, etc? 00:28:58 - How likely were East Indiamen to sail alone during the Napoleonic era? 00:31:30 - Iowa's vs anti-ship missiles? 00:35:48 - I remember reading their was a Royal Navy rating who also got a Victoria Cross during the St Nazaire raid for performing a simular act to Sergeant Durrant, is this true and if so can you please name him for us? 00:38:26 - Torpedo strike on Gneisenau? 00:41:38 - The Kriegsmarine with 300 submarines? 00:48:07 - How applicable would US Navy carrier doctrine, tactics, strategies and the like from 1944-45 be in the 1942 carrier battles given the limits of the technology and equipment from that year? 00:52:04 - What are the advantages of welding versus riveting, particularly for naval vessels? 00:55:27 - There are two ships that had unsuccessful first voyages, Titanic and Bismarck. Why do you think these two ships get so much attention after they both sank and could both be considered failures? 01:01:01 - At what point did the British realize the US could outbuild them and at what point did it become clear that would absolutely happen? Did this impact British plans and foreign policy in any way? 01:05:38 - Decomissioning of HMS Vanguard?


Graham William Kidd

How to remember it's Saturday night!! Thanks Drach.

Graham William Kidd

Hey Drach, Where was the outcome decision on how to catch up so Drydocks is up to date, get posted?

Felix B

Vanguard in San Carlos would have been a hoot.

Andrew Waite

I would think that 15inch gunfire from HMS Vanguard would have been pretty effective at putting Stanley Airport out of commission and breaking the airbridge the Argentines had with their mainland.


Just imagine if she had lasted along with Hood and the pair had sailed in the dead of night to go hunting for Belgrano for one last glorious gun dual


Drach, had any thought been given to Vanguard being given a limited refit and then more or less permanently docked but kept in commission much akin to Victory, Caroline and (outside the channel's scope) Bristol? Surely that would have been the best outcome for both sides - a saving of money but at least they can say it stayed around flying the White Ensign *just* in case it was needed with needed repairs being done by seaman recruits and officer cadets that could "learn on the job"