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The Drydock - Episode 190

00:00:00 - Intro 00:00:40 - Radar jamming in WW2? 00:07:43 - What's the advantage of 4 x single-gun turrets over 2 x 2-gun turrets on destroyers? 00:13:20 - Will you be making videos about ship classes from more modern times? Falkland and GW1 era for example. 00:16:53 - British naval supremacy in the 19th century? 00:22:53 - Where was all ther extra AA ammo stored on WW2 ships? 00:28:38 - What's the difference between a small fleet carrier and a light carrier? 00:31:58 - Was the 8" gunned cruiser superior to the 6" gunned later cruisers? 00:36:03 - Did WW2 subs carry their own boats? 00:38:00 - To what extent did Hirohito, Wilhelm II, and Franz Joseph influence or guide their national military/Naval procurement policy in the leadup to their respective wars? To what extent do you think these leaders can/should be held to account for the actions of their nations? 00:41:35 - Why were the vibration problems of the North Carolinas missed during the design process? 00:46:21 - Admiral Howe? 00:49:09 - How was HMS Warspite viewed at the time? 00:53:53 - When the Germans surrendered their capital ships to Scapa Flow after WWI, did Royal Navy engineers have opportunities to do technical examinations of any of the vessels prior to scuttling? 00:56:47 - How did the Canopus' engineer get away with letting the engines fail for so long under the circumstances? 01:00:42 - Channel Admin / Good news everyone! An archive of Drydock Questions and free naval photos - www.drachinifel.co.uk Model ships of many periods - http://store.warlordgames.com?aff=21 Want to support the channel? - https://www.patreon.com/Drachinifel Shirt/mug/hoodie - https://shop.spreadshirt.com/drachinifels-dockyard/ Poster? - https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/Drachinifel Want to talk about ships? https://discord.gg/TYu88mt Want to get some books? www.amazon.co.uk/shop/drachinifelDrydock



I am glad everything seems to be coming together. I only wish I could meet you while you are over here.

Capitano Lorenzo

Excellent news that the quartet is coming over!

Robert Hilton

Great news Mrs. Drach will be able to go on the trip!


This is my first post. Hope I am doing this correctly.


Well, obviously I did NOT do this correctly. Okay; first, in case you did not get my message about your trip, I hope to host you and your party for lunch or dinner in San Diego in April. Please contact me for details. (bill@hitekdesidngs.com) As for a question, her goes. . . . Let's assume that the Japanese realized in late '42 that they could not win in the long run without doing something drastic. Perhaps they figured, correctly as I see it, that the only way to do that was to change the course of the war was to badly damage or destroy the few carriers left operational by the U.S. Answer? Kamikazes. Had they stationed several hundred kamikaze aircraft in the various islands bound to be targeted for invasion by the U.S. might they have been able to knocked out Saratoga and U.S.S. Robin in early '43? After all, late in the war, when the American anti-Kamikaze measures were far more effective, the U.S. nearly lost two Essex class ships. What do you think?


Oh, yes, I forget to remind you that my Internet name is AztecWilliam. That refers to my alma mater, San Diego State University.


Well, I seem to be below par today. My email address is bill@hitekdesigns.com. Must have typed that a thousand times with a mistake. I guess this was the thousand and first time.


Uh, I did it again. Must have typed my email address a thousand times WITHOUT a mistake. I guess I need a good night's sleep. AztecWilliam