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The Drydock - Episode 170

00:00:00 - Intro 00:00:37 - Voith Schneider propellers? 00:05:39 - Have any post- age-of-sail navy ships been lost due to ice accumulation on the decks/superstructure/etc? 00:07:20 - If the Italians had more aggressive and capable Admirals to start WW2, could it have changed events in the Mediterranean?? 00:11:37 - When did it become more cost effective to fly injured soldiers back to the home nation for treatment, rather then sending a hospital ship with the invaders? 00:17:38 - Was there any consideration to renaming ships after those irrecoverable after Pearl Harbour? 00:20:30 - What makes a semi-dreadnought battleship? 00:24:52 - Over the time period the channel covers, what proved to be more dangerous to navies; enemy combatants or domestic politicians? 00:31:25 - What exactly is the role and function of a naval war college, and how is one selected to attend it? 00:35:13 - Strain guage tests on ships 00:41:59 - Captain Donald Macintyre 00:47:59 - Were aircraft operating off CVE escort carriers (Avengers, Wildcats, Hellcats) limited to reduced takeoff weights due to the lower speed of these vessels, as compared to operating from fleet carriers? 00:50:18 - Ryan over at Battleship New Jersey has repeatedly said that they will never fire the 16" guns, but given a blank check, which battleship or cruiser would be best suited for big gun demonstration? 00:53:15 - Whatever happened to the naval small arms special? 00:54:24 - How much damage would a Tallboy inflict on Yamato and on armored flight decks? 00:56:19 - Etymology of 'man of war' 01:00:09 - Replacing missing/damaged masts? 01:04:01 - Why did sprit topmasts go out of fashion at the beginning of the 18th century? 01:07:22 - Why not have multiple paddle wheels? 01:10:40 - A number of times you have mentioned that you think 18" guns were a practical limit on the size of battleship main armament. Would you elaborate on your thinking? 01:19:03 - FAA WW2 night actions? 01:22:20 - What lessons were shared between the US and Royal Navies while American ships were assigned to the Home Fleet et during WW2? 01:26:35 - Missiles designed to replace guns? 01:29:33 - South Dakota need for speed edition? 01:34:40 - When did Drydocks come about? 01:39:45 - Steamship condensors 01:42:11 - Crown Colony class vs Abruzzi class cruiser? 01:45:27 - Ideal dispertion for a battleship salvo? 01:48:37 - Are there any known instances of ships skipping a shakedown cruise after commissioning, and instead going straight to into a battle theater? 01:51:11 - Large characters on the side of IJN destroyers? 01:53:12 - Potential 15th/16th century dazzle camo? 01:56:05 - Finishing started series? 00:00:22 - I saw on a Battleship New Jersey video that the ships Main Guns could actually be remotely triggered from the Fire Control Room. How common was this feature, and how where Gun Crews warned that the guns are firing? 02:04:10 - In your opinion, what were the three most brilliant tactical decisions by admirals of the Imperial Japanese Navy during WW2, and what were the three worst tactical blunders? 02:08:47 - Until 1956 the Suez Canal had a max Draft of 22ft, most if not all British ironclads and Battleships had a draft larger than 22ft. Did British Capital Ships simply not use the Suez, or did they reduce weight before transiting? 02:10:07 - Slow vs Fast battleships 02:15:47 - IJN surface officer attrition? 02:19:57 - Regarding the sinking of the battleship Mutsu: Would you say the loss of the trainee airmen and flight instructors (who had picked entirely the wrong time to pay the ship a visit) did more damage to the Imperial Japanese navy then the loss of a Nagato-class battleship? 02:22:18 - Russian WW1 combined pre-dreadnought firing practice 02:24:52 - How would you improve the design of the US Lexington class battlecruisers and if these improved warships were built how would this affect WW2 assuming they are not at Pearl Harbor? 02:32:55 - What type of guns would the Iowas have had if the 16"50 had been designed for the Carolinas and South Dakotas? 02:36:26 - What, to your mind is the biggest 'missed opportunity' in naval history in the period of 1850 to 1950, the simplest, smallest thing that could have had the largest butterfly effect? 02:44:22 - Cranes aboard ships? 02:50:12 - Have you had any thoughts about doing a video about the Rikusentai (Japanese Special Naval Landing Force, roughly equivalent to Marines)? 02:51:35 - Are there any other notable examples of a maritime paramilitary force contributing to a national war effort on the scale of the U.S. Coast Guard's contribution in WWII? 02:54:06 - 'Crease' on British WW2 era cruisers? 02:59:16 - On a lot of WW2 submarines (like the Gato class), there are a lot of holes in the outer hull. What are they for?


Wayne Borean

Ah, a wonderful start to my morning!

Andrew Dederer

The only really good reason to have P-38s on a carrier would be time-to-altitude. The P-38 was initially designed as an interceptor and could beat most fighters to 20,000 feet (including Mustangs). This indicates that the best navy for the P-38 would be the Japanese Navy (needing rapid deployment of CAP due to lack of Radar). Size as you said is the killer (Sea Hornet and Tigercat store much smaller).


What of U boat commander not shooting at the Lusitania ?


Bands on Cast Guns in age of sail: seems to me these would help keep rigging from slipping.

Capitano Lorenzo

When the Germans surrendered their capital ships to Scapa Flow after WWI, did Royal Navy engineers have opportunities to do technical examinations of the vessels prior to scuttling? If RN engineers did, were there any technical discoveries of significance that the RN found useful? I do not remember where I read it, but I thought I read the some of the German vessels were able to flood their magazines faster than the RN could theirs.

Bob Hedges

Thank you Drach for all your hard work. Glad you and Mrs. Drach are well, but if you’re having a challenge or crisis anywhere in your life I’m sure we’d all be supportive of you taking whatever time you need off to take care of things. Hope this week is better!


Whenthem US Navy was bombarding the fortified Pacific islands during WW2 - did the use HE and/or AP shells? Would a 2 ton bunker buster bomb have been more effective?