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The Drydock - Episode 044

00:00:18 - Channel Admin / Good News / Competition News 00:03:34 - Defences of Sevastopolo and Leningrad 00:06:50 - Ships Cats 00:08:49 - Self-propelled battleship calibre gun? 00:09:42 - How long would it take a museum ship to be converted back into functional warship? 00:13:03 - Sources for Revenge and Fletcher class videos 00:13:42 - Use of UP luanchers in war? 00:14:36 - Revenge class planning shenanigans 00:16:16 - Effectiveness of Furious' 18" guns 00:18:16 - Most inept naval officers 00:22:27 - Anti-kamikaze Fletchers 00:23:33 - Weird battleship shells 00:25:40 - Germany invades the USA c.1900-1910 00:28:30 - Increasing barrel length as opposed to width on battleship guns? 00:33:15 - Q-ships effectiveness? 00:36:44 - Rate of fire on Brooklyn class ships? 00:40:07 - Make the Royal Navy Great Again? 00:51:30 - CVN-65 in the Pacific War? 00:55:48 - Most effective ships of the Early Cold War Era? 01:00:05 - Midway without US carriers / Best resource for IJN in the dreadnought era 01:03:57 - Tirpitz vs JW60 01:11:09 - Where does the Channel Name comes from? 01:12:53 - Montana vs H-class? 01:15:24 - Range clocks, anchors and intro video 01:20:08 - The Baltic Project 01:22:39 - Long and short barrel guns and AA fire 01:28:24 - Why is the Battle of the Barents Sea seen as such a failure? 01:32:16 - Forgotten Naval Battles 01:35:42 - Did Germany have any plans for an aircraft carrier during WWI? 01:35:47 - Who could 'have lost the war in an afternoon' in WW2? 01:42:08 - How does radar help when lots of ships are shooting the same target? 01:45:25 - Falkands war Rent-A-Carrier? 01:49:41 - Tech-sharing for battleship armour plate? Want to support the channel? - https://www.patreon.com/Drachinifel Want to talk about ships? https://discord.gg/TYu88mt Music - https://youtu.be/1Zzqio6jPRQ Want to get some books? - www.amazon.co.uk/shop/drachinifel Drydock Episodes in podcast format - https://soundcloud.com/user-21912004



that CV65 Q and A was great, lol. On par with the most shelled piece of real estate in existence, with the armor breached threw sheer erosion of all the artillery bombardments, lol.

Robert Henry Illston

I would love to see more of your battle series, will you be doing one for the Battle of Midway?


Time to sit down for a nice cigar, a 23 year aged rum and.... Holy BLEEP ... a two hour episode? Good thing I'm settled in for the night.

John Hargreaves

I have been an engineer, designer and scientist in the defence services and nuclear industries for 50 years retiring at 70 recently as a subject matter expert on submarines, I have been involved in tanks, aircraft and ship design and build. The question of the Royal Navy and how it should currently operate and in future be built as with the other services (air and land) a very complex question with many compromises due to the constraints of money and where the citizens of the UK wish their government to spend their taxes. The navy is the only real service that can significantly project power on a global basis at the current levels of technology. The perceived future threat is what designers have to work with and create capabilities that will work against these threats; the naval designers, scientists and "innovators" have to work on development of systems for threat in 50 years time on air and land this tends to be less than 25 years. In my later years on submarines I was working on innovation for existing fleet improvement (refit), next submarine build and future submarine design for 50 years in the future. As builders and designers we can create extra-ordinary future machines but what do you really want them to accomplish and how much do you want to spend and what will the citizens who have to pay allow you to spend. There are so many considerations to take into account, it can change from year to year for the next 50 years. The improvement that would keep a global effective force for the least expenditure would be (as an island) a combined services plan, design and budget and take out the self preservation of each of the services, this will never happen and it would make some interesting discussion, An excellent assessment from you of all these questions using what is termed "common sense" which is in short supply in the industries and services I have worked

Robert Henry Illston

QnA: You mention that several dreadnaught battleships suffered from "main gun" issues, could you go into greater detail the common issues ships had with there main guns and if any particular nations had specific issues that kept reoccurring in the ship's main gun designs or manufacture. How were new main gun designs and turrets tested, and did any particular navies have systemic issues that led to their main gun problems?