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00:00:00 - Intro

00:00:28 - What kind of kill/loss ratio would the German U-boats needed to have a chance at starving out the UK in World War 2?

00:04:22 - Was it common for American warships to have major "teething troubles" right out of commissioning, or were quality control standards largely upheld in the various shipyards despite the speed of expansion?

00:08:56 - Were sabots and undersized ammunition used during the age of iron & steam?

00:12:04 - What were the chances of friendly fire from descending AA shells that hit nothing but air?

00:15:57 - What is your opinion on 8-9 larger guns vs 12 smaller guns on a battleship?

00:22:23 - Why didn't the Italian's build their Dreadnoughts like they eventually rebuilt them in the first place?

00:25:17 - What's the point of a Naval Ensign / Navy Jack flag?

00:33:34 - How were ships moved around in harbor before the advent of steam-powered tugs?

00:35:23 - What's your call for the most interesting/unusual/obscure ship "legacy name" worldwide?

00:37:57 - The sinking of USS McCawley?

00:40:56 - What are 10 of your favorite badass quotes from naval figures in the middle of a battle or about to go into battle?

00:47:00 - Why was Habbakuk never followed through?

00:53:19 - Mk18 torpedo issues?

00:57:14 - Why did the RN order any Essex class?

01:03:24 - What was the damage to the Graf Spee that prevented her from sailing out?

01:07:50 - What was the best general purpose World War II destroyer?

01:10:27 - Razee'd first/second rates?

01:13:48 - As a kid, I always wondered why the dive bombers didn't just drop their bombs down the funnel?

01:17:21 - What was the procedure for dealing with coal bunker fires and how did it vary between civilian and military vessels?

01:21:05 - Cities built out of ships?

01:23:59 - During the bombardments as part of the allied invasion, Warspite had to have her guns replaced, when she did so, how likely would it be for any of the guns she picked up to have been ones she had carried previously?

01:29:43 - Could USS Wyoming be refit to be a fast AA Battleship?

01:36:48 - Kongo's at Jutland?

01:45:04 - Did the USN aerial torpedoes use the same triggering mechanism as the Mark 14, and if not, could this mechanism been retrofitted into the Mark 14?

01:47:51 - Are you familiar with the historic fiction novel series “Bolitho” by author Alexander Kent?

01:50:03 - What are the theoretical size limits to bronze guns?

01:52:46 - Could you 'Pearl Harbor' the Royal Navy?

01:58:30 - Did the French cheat the Washington Naval Treaty?

02:01:55 - What happens if the Royal Navy and U.S Navy adopt a more Italian/French/Japanese 'interpretation' of the treaty limits... and lie horredously about displacement?

02:07:18 - What exactly made the Hipper class so inefficient?

02:12:19 - Do you ever intend to visit the Washington Navy Yard/National Museum of the US Navy and/or feature some of the more unique artifacts they have there?

02:14:02 - What tensions existed between Britain and the US that warranted the Naval Treaties to ease the relationship?

02:21:14 - Could torpedoes be used against wooden ships?

02:25:29 - To the best of your knowledge, when was the first time a Chinese warship circumnavigated the Earth?

02:27:00 - If Vickers hadn’t upsold the 14” guns to the IJN, would the 12” armed Kongos still have been viewed as useful?

02:30:43 - Earliest 'real' naval battle photos/film?

02:34:33 - I can't visualize a paravane "chain" cutting another chain holding a mine to the seafloor. How exactly does this work?

02:37:16 - HMS Garry and the shooting of the crew of UB-110?

02:42:03 - So why did the British do that whole USS Robin exercise?

02:43:27 - What in your opinion are the most amusing messages/banners/signal flags exchanged between two enemy combatant ships?

02:48:17 - Would an ocean going train ferry have made a better 'ready to convert to aircraft carrier' ship?

02:53:01 - What happened when sailors and officers boarded a ship in the Age of Sail?

02:59:37 - Could Hood have 'won' the Battle of Denmark Strait?


The Drydock - Episode 299 (Part 1)

00:00:00 - Intro 00:00:28 - What kind of kill/loss ratio would the German U-boats needed to have a chance at starving out the UK in World War 2? 00:04:22 - Was it common for American warships to have major "teething troubles" right out of commissioning, or were quality control standards largely upheld in the various shipyards despite the speed of expansion? 00:08:56 - Were sabots and undersized ammunition used during the age of iron & steam? 00:12:04 - What were the chances of friendly fire from descending AA shells that hit nothing but air? 00:15:57 - What is your opinion on 8-9 larger guns vs 12 smaller guns on a battleship? 00:22:23 - Why didn't the Italian's build their Dreadnoughts like they eventually rebuilt them in the first place? 00:25:17 - What's the point of a Naval Ensign / Navy Jack flag? 00:33:34 - How were ships moved around in harbor before the advent of steam-powered tugs? 00:35:23 - What's your call for the most interesting/unusual/obscure ship "legacy name" worldwide? 00:37:57 - The sinking of USS McCawley? 00:40:56 - What are 10 of your favorite badass quotes from naval figures in the middle of a battle or about to go into battle? 00:47:00 - Why was Habbakuk never followed through? 00:53:19 - Mk18 torpedo issues? 00:57:14 - Why did the RN order any Essex class? 01:03:24 - What was the damage to the Graf Spee that prevented her from sailing out? 01:07:50 - What was the best general purpose World War II destroyer? 01:10:27 - Razee'd first/second rates? 01:13:48 - As a kid, I always wondered why the dive bombers didn't just drop their bombs down the funnel? 01:17:21 - What was the procedure for dealing with coal bunker fires and how did it vary between civilian and military vessels? 01:21:05 - Cities built out of ships? 01:23:59 - During the bombardments as part of the allied invasion, Warspite had to have her guns replaced, when she did so, how likely would it be for any of the guns she picked up to have been ones she had carried previously? 01:29:43 - Could USS Wyoming be refit to be a fast AA Battleship? 01:36:48 - Kongo's at Jutland? 01:45:04 - Did the USN aerial torpedoes use the same triggering mechanism as the Mark 14, and if not, could this mechanism been retrofitted into the Mark 14? 01:47:51 - Are you familiar with the historic fiction novel series “Bolitho” by author Alexander Kent? 01:50:03 - What are the theoretical size limits to bronze guns? 01:52:46 - Could you 'Pearl Harbor' the Royal Navy? 01:58:30 - Did the French cheat the Washington Naval Treaty? 02:01:55 - What happens if the Royal Navy and U.S Navy adopt a more Italian/French/Japanese 'interpretation' of the treaty limits... and lie horredously about displacement? 02:07:18 - What exactly made the Hipper class so inefficient? 02:12:19 - Do you ever intend to visit the Washington Navy Yard/National Museum of the US Navy and/or feature some of the more unique artifacts they have there? 02:14:02 - What tensions existed between Britain and the US that warranted the Naval Treaties to ease the relationship? 02:21:14 - Could torpedoes be used against wooden ships? 02:25:29 - To the best of your knowledge, when was the first time a Chinese warship circumnavigated the Earth? 02:27:00 - If Vickers hadn’t upsold the 14” guns to the IJN, would the 12” armed Kongos still have been viewed as useful? 02:30:43 - Earliest 'real' naval battle photos/film? 02:34:33 - I can't visualize a paravane "chain" cutting another chain holding a mine to the seafloor. How exactly does this work? 02:37:16 - HMS Garry and the shooting of the crew of UB-110? 02:42:03 - So why did the British do that whole USS Robin exercise? 02:43:27 - What in your opinion are the most amusing messages/banners/signal flags exchanged between two enemy combatant ships? 02:48:17 - Would an ocean going train ferry have made a better 'ready to convert to aircraft carrier' ship? 02:53:01 - What happened when sailors and officers boarded a ship in the Age of Sail? 02:59:37 - Could Hood have 'won' the Battle of Denmark Strait?


Ted Jones

Couldn't you block the oxygen supply to a coal bunker? Re: Wyoming, forget about speed, just make her a kamikaze resistant antiaircraft BB. Just add a reasonable number of 5" and 40mm mounts. Use her the way destroyers had been used to detect and take on attacking Japanese attacks.

Allen Parmet

2:48-Converting a train ferry to an auxiliary carrier: During WW2, the USN converted two ships on the Great Lakes into aircraft carriers for the sole purpose of qualifying Naval aviators in carrier landings. The advantage of using Lake Michigan meant that there would be no worries about U-boats and no need for escorts, save plane guards. No armor, no hangar deck or extra berths for aircrew, who would always fly back to their home fields. The resulting vessels, the USS Wolverine and USS Sabine, were converted from commercial boats. Both were side-wheelers and coal burners. Coal meant that no oil was taken from combat ships, although the Navy did have to come up with stokers. Both were too large to fit through the Welland Canal and hence could not go to salt water. The Sabine was the former SS Greater Buffalo, a passenger boat capable of carrying 5000. The Wolverine, the first boat, was initially a choice between a train ferry, SS City of Midland and a passenger boat, SS Seeandbee (owned by C & B Transit). Since the ferry was already useful toward the war effort and the excursion boat was not, the decision was made to convert the Seeandbee. The resulting deck width of 96 feet was wider than USS Essex, a bonus for novice carrier pilots. 17,820 pilots qualified for carrier duty aboard their decks, including future president George H. W. Bush. Sorce: Somers, PM. Lake Michigan's Aircraft Carriers, 2003.