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Hi everyone! It's been a while I know, but I've been working hard and waiting a little bit so I could have something big to show you-

Long story short. My trip finished in July. But after not working and drawing for 3-4 months, it took me a while to get used to my normal rhythm. Good news: I am back. Working hard every day and with a couple things to show you!


During my trip I was not able to attend properly all cases of missing or damaged merch. I am going to give this one more shot. If during the duration of my $18 merch, you had an issue with damaged or missing merch, please fill this form. You have until September 24th. After this I will only offer refunds to cases like this. I need to move on, but I want to try one more time to make things right.


The storyboard/animatic attached to this post is a work-in-progress of my next music video with Moika (... and Synica!)

Before and during my trip I was working on a different music video, where the style was going to be more cartoon/cute. That project is now on hold, as I will focus my time on this new one.

The reason for this: This song and idea allowed my to break my creative block/wall. I was struggling to get back to working on my previous idea, and this one revitalized me. So I am following this energy and I am very excited to be working on this. I hope you like it!

Special thanks to @Chobiluck for introducing me to this song by Madelline.


As a side project that's coming this month, I am developing an small Moika Lingerie Set. It will feature 6 illustrations (3 covered and 3 topless poses) + a promotional animation.

(Sometimes .gifs don't play on mobile. Click on the picture to see the animation )

This is a simple project, but I think it will make many of you happy. I am making a little rendition to an old animation of Moika I made years ago, where she was also looking cute while displaying her underwear.

And that's it. From now on I will keep you updated on this projects as I continue to develop them. I would love to know your thoughts!

But before I go! I want to try something with some of you.


If you live in the US, and you would like to participate in a little merch experiment I have in mind for something in the future,  please fill this form below. All the details will be there. I will randomly pick 50 people to send something to, before I can actually develop it into something bigger. As always, only US. Sorry rest of the world, I know this sucks -_-

  • Enter here : NO LINK AVAILABLE. 100 people were already selected. If you were selected then check your patreon messages, there should be a message from me. If not, then I am sorry. You are not missing much as this is only a test! thanks to everyone that participated and showed interest in helping me with this!


And that's it! I hope that you are all doing great. Thank you as always for your support. I apologize it took me this long to be back, but I promise I will try my best to impress you with what's coming soon.

Much love!

Bye! .-



Moika X Madelline | i'm only here for the beat | Animatic 1

Song is " i'm only here for the beat" by @MADELLINE This is a work-in-progress. Please don't distribute it.



nice to hear that your now fully back in action! got a question out of curiosity: is there a posibiltiy that people from outside of us/canada could get some leftover(if there even is any) merch from the last set? if yes: awesome!! if no: ah well maybe next time


Next month I will finally have a better idea of how many left overs I have. After I finish trying to make things right for people who were in the tier before. Internationals will be a priority for those! I will probably bundle all 4 of them together.

Petar Son

I am glad that you are back rested, and that you will be fresh to continue with your projects. The upcoming project really excites me, I see some inspirations in the videos that remind me of some music videos, and I really like the song and the music that was chosen, and that we will see our girl in her sexy version again. I can't wait to see all the other projects in progress and not completed, and I hope that you will organize yourself better, and don't rush to quickly finish something that you are not sure if is completely finished, so I wish you all the best for the future.


oh! that is music in my ears^^ especially because you didnt have to do that as it was stated as us/canada only! kudos to you sir!


I am a people pleaser. Sometimes that's good or bad. In this case it's been a bit of both. It makes me happy to see people getting their merch, but also it really makes me sad and stresses me to see people not getting them. I will try my best to make it right.


Thank you Petar. I am learning from past experiences. I will not move a finger on this project until I finish that storyboard/animatic, to the point I am really happy on how everything looks and flows.


Welcome back.


Damn I'm excited for the new music video, it's looking amazing man! Hope I can join the streams more often dude, been so busy lately. Glad to see you back in the game dude, keep it up!!

Jin BB

Nice to hear you getting back into it, looking forward to seeing your work


Hey Moika, im back! i missed your work so much. Im very happy to be back and and it seems like i just rejoined at the prefer time! Not only are you working on a cool new music video with both Moika & Synica! but your also working on a nsfw Moika set! im just so excited to be back!


Yes!!! Can’t wait! Glad to have you back!

Jason Mims

I love being here so much. I’m absolutely enamored with the content you put out. I just wish I could have my own Moika in my life 🥺💕

Æon Nyshe

I do live in the US but.. I am a truck driver so I only get my mail every few months. I really hope you find a storefront to put merch on!


I hope that this time with the music video my name (and that of a few others) wont be forgotten in the video itself (that still doesn't sit well with me) and I also hope that we from outside the US are gonna get some more merch (the "people from outside US are a pain in the butt" comment is also something I haven't forgotten). Other than that, I really hope to see more of your work, I really enjoy it.


Agree with everything you said except the "people from outside US are a pain in thr butt". I think you are missquoting me, as I dont remeber ever saying anything close to that. Maybe something among the lines of "sending stuff outside of the US is a pain", but never something against the people who are not from the US. Sadly, doing international shipping is a lot more expensive and complicated and thats a big reason why I havent been able to do it ( I am not from the US either), I could easily not even offer it or have presented the idea in the first place, but that seemed wrong and selfish of me, and thats why I still want to provide a solution even tho its something that brings me a lot of stress. And sorry again for the credits thing. It was an honest mistake and I apologized inmediatly when I realised what happened. Next time I will be more careful. Still, thank you for your last words, thats my main focus here and I will continue working on more art!


A shopify store is something that its in my plans for the future. When that happens I will also do some test runs like this beforehand. Manufacturing and shipping merch by my own is something that demands more prepararion, but the quality and payback is worth it, as other websites normally dont have much quality control and the cut they take is huge for each sale.


look forward to it




Hopefully we will be able to see more of Synica in the future. :)


Will there be any merch for internationals from the last times. I think you said something like that or is anything planned?


When is the NSFW Moika lingerie set coming out?


It's just around the corner! if you are on discord I've been updating regularly there. If not, it's probably coming out this week!


It was pretty much ready about a week ago. But me, being me, decided to animate one more shot for it lol


Internationals will be a priority for the left over merch. But for now I am still handling missing/damaged merch cases. One if I have an update you will be the first to know.


Love the direction of this new vid! Would love to see an animated desktop background to go with it once it's completed like you did for Agrume vid. Love all those extras around your work! Keep it up!