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Hello everyone! It's been a while. As I announced it last month, I have began traveling across South America with my wife and my kids, and I've had very little time to work. But things are still moving.

December's Merch has been shipped.

Here is a preview of what you will get if you joined my $18 tier during December.
Thank you @kimchi for shipping over 800 mails around US & CANADA.

January's Cards are here!

As I announced last time. This month's design is going to feature Synica as the main protagonist. You can see the card design in motion as the cover of this post.
Besides this card there is also going to be a Synica sticker (design being made and announced soon) and some extra Moika stickers! Like this one

There is only a few slots left to get this. 

Next month is going to be the last month for the $18 tier

February is going to be the last month for the $18 tier. At least for this year. After this, I will be deleting the tier and going back to the normal way I run this Patreon. I am also going to find a way to bundle all the extra cards for those that are international patrons or just people interested in getting duplicates, etc. But that is going to be run through a different site.

November's merch refunds

As mentioned in my last post. Those that joined in November but haven't received your merch yet. You are eligible to get a refund. Instructions and all are in this post: 

And that's about it. Thank you all for your support in this little enterprise I've been running with the help of @kimchi. More art is coming very soon!



Petar Son

I wish you and your family the best, so I hope we'll see later when you're ready some new things related to Moika world.

Lord Mimni

This is awesome to hear! South America mist be lovely this time of year. Good memories for your family too.


Aw ye Synica merch


This merch tier has been a godsend. I'll have to post my moika shrine at some point.


December's merch has arrived. Looks great.


The December merch arrived. I also had the November merch stored away where my other mail is kept. I didn't even realize it was there. No refund necessary. Thanks for the hard work and merch

Jamie C.

Just got mine Love it to death thanks for lovely work mate cheers.


Just got my set a few days ago. i love the new holo card and the stickers. I honestly dont mind if there is delays with shiping

Robert Bilkovic

I just got my December merch! I was ecstatic when I opened it and saw the Holo card! Don't mind the shipping delays, especially when receiving such great items!