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EDIT: The month is over. So this design is no longer available through this tier. As a new design is active for this month. Internationals will be able to get November's design through a different tier or website. Date and place to be announced.

Hi everyone! This post is to introduce you all to my new Moika Merch Tier. And to answer all possible questions about it. Please read before you decide to join!

(The 3D lenticular cards in this gif are prototypes. An official design has been approved and is currently being manufactured)

How do I get this merch? 

New designs every month? 

  • Yes! A new sticker design and a different 3D Lenticular Card every month. Join before this month ends! (In occasions I will switch from a sticker to a print, or a magnet, or a keychain, etc. The idea is to keep this tier fun. As for the Lenticular Cards, I want to make at least 10 before any changes )


  • Yes, this tier is limited to 800 Patrons.

No international shipping? 

  • NO. Only USA & CANADA for now. Shipping internationally it's a bit of a pain in the ass... and expensive! For Internationals, I will find a solution in the near future. Please hold on.

When will I get this merch? 

  • Shipping will be done between the first and second week of every month. If you join in November, then shipping will be in December and so on.

Do I have to pay for shipping? 

  • No. But I can't promise Tracking in these orders for that reason. If I manage to get a tracking number for your merch, then you will receive it in your email or Patreon DMs.

Only for Patreon? 

  • Yes. I am not selling these anywhere else. It just makes things easier to handle.


  • No refunds once you get the product. But if your item never arrives or it's damaged, just send me a DM and we will find a solution. 

Can I get previous month's designs? 

  • Not for now. Unless I end up having leftovers, then maybe you will be able to get them through an special sale.

I don't want the merch, I just want to give you more money? 

  • You can totally do that (thank you!). But make sure you don't input your address at Patreon or you will probably end up getting unwanted Moika merch in your mailbox haha

I am already a Patreon. Will I be charged again for $18? 

  • No. You are only going to be charged what is missing in your current tier to complete the payment. But starting next month you will be charged the full $18 and so on.

I joined but forgot to input my address. Where can I do this?

If you have any extra questions. Feel free to leave them as a reply here or send me a DM.



Kevin 13

How do I get this set? Can I get multiple of this set?


This one is long gone. But I am making reprints of the cards soon. I am not sure if the stickers will be sold with them tho

Kevin 13

Anyway I can get a picture of her kneeling like that sticker it's really good.


its my birthday and i really like the quality of your animation, the stars aligned too much to pass up


joined up just in time!


It look amazing!


Joined up when it was first announced. Looks awesome!


It's really cool merch, I love this 3D Lenticular Card, but it's sad that there is no international shipping.


I got my place on the tier,even if I'm from Italy, really hope you can find a solution to the shipping thingy!


Thanks for the important information, these are really pressing questions regarding merch, which I think are of interest to many.

Kamen Rider Wizard

I really love this sticker and 3d card but if this is how we get those product im voted


Nice. Looking forward to the merch and future projects.


Saw the tweet mentioning the Merch Tier and hoped to get the Ghostdata cutout sticker. Just joined at the very change of Nov30 into Dec 01….By your explaination, I’m guessing I’ll be missing out on these?


Can't wait to recieve this month's merch, I loved your stuff, your character designs & the choice of music/songs as well! Long time follower on TWITTER and YOUTUBE, only noticed now that you have a patreon, if & when any of your old/already made mech(stickers, keychains etc.) Become too much for you to store can always send them my way if you would like.(shouldn't say this but would pay for them too depending, lol)