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Hi everyone. It's been a long time I know. A lot of thing have happened in the past 3 months, I've been ok, mostly focused on work and family, and some other things that I will talk more about in the future. But I am here to finally announce: 

The Music Video of MOIKA X AGRUME is ready.

If everything goes according to plan, I will publish it next week. Date to be announced.

  • Before that, I need to finish a couple things, and I need your attention for it.

    1) Credits. If you are a $10 or more Patreon, and you want to be in the credits, go to this post here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/73999405 and comment with your name/nickname. I am closing the list on November 5th.

  • 2) Merch: I've done merch only one time in the past. And that's when I released my Ghost Data's music video and I did a couple stickers. Merch rewards will be back, and I have some interesting ideas for it. When I release the video next week, I will also launch a new higher tier focused on merch and a new project I have in mind. It will have limited slots. Right now I can only tease you with the gif at the top of this post and the following sticker design:

  • 3) More stuff in the way. With the launch of this video there are many things that I've been preparing alongside. Illustrations, wallpapers, posters, etc. Some of them are related to the music video, others are art that I put on hold for a while, and that I plan to finally finish once this is done. Can't wait!

  • 4) NSFW? The video won't have a full NSFW/Topless version of it. But with the release, I will be including a couple .gif files of DJ Moika going topless. More sexy stuff in the future? Yes!

  • 5) Future project? I don't want to say much yet. But all I can say for now, is that I plan to go back to short form animations for a while. Working on big music videos like this on my own, is very tiring and time consuming. So my upcoming plan is to focus on short format animations and illustrations. So I can be more regular with my uploads and presence online. But still making stuff surrounding Moika and the world/story I want to build for her.

One last thing. I have to deeply apologize for the lack of posts in the last 3 months. This project has consumed me in different ways. I've learned a lot from it, but I always feel like I need to disappear when the finish line is near. I apologize because I always tell you how grateful I am for your patience and support, and I feel a bit ungrateful of my part when I don't show up for a quick message or update. Luckily this is mostly tied to big projects and finish lines like this, so I am pretty sure you will hear more from me and Moika in the next weeks once this music video is behind me. Thank you!




I'm very excited to see this!!!! Can't wait to see the final result!! 😊


I know you are a busy man my friend, I would absolutely love to see more Moika iPhone wallpaper if you have any available ;p


Hell yes. Quaking in my boots. I’m ready for the release! Miss everyone and am looking forward to touching base soon!


Can’t wait to see the finished product. It’s going to be great, I can tell. I’m glad you’re going back to the shorter animations after this. Don’t get me wrong, I like the music videos you make, but I miss the shorter works you used to do with various characters from different video games and such, so I’m very exited to hear that. As for the merch, you can bet your ass that I’ll be keeping an eye out for that. 👍🏻


Cool! Hoping for some more animated wallpapers for out phones *^w^*


Just happy to hear from you again, and the content looks amazing from what I can see so far! I'm super excited to hear about the "merch" tier as well, it sounds great!


It's really a special day to see we come so far as supporters I'm really happy and excited to see in what will you do next and the project in what have become


Now i can't wait for next week (⌒_⌒;). Also looking forward for the merch tier (and all of the future merch, of course). Take some well earned rest, and we'll see the awesome things you do when you're back.


Can't wait to see it all put together, definitely gonna pick up a few stickers


Super excited to hear the new music video is so close to been finished can't wait to see it, I just know it will be awesome! Also that's a cool looking 3D card thing. And I'm like over the moon happy to hear more nsfw content is on the way for best waifu Moika can't wait to see.


Friend, you owe nobody an apology for your absence. If we had any issue with it, we would not be here to see it. Take care of you, keep fueling your passions, and we'll gladly be here to cheer you on along the way.


You put in Major Work, let you know now, Appreciate what you do and I'm excited to be here 🏆