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Hi everyone! This month is about the end, but before that happens I want to update you on the current state of things. I will keep it short!

  • This month I took a small break from the music video to focus on Drawing and also to rest a bit, to refill my batteries for the next part of the project.
  • During this break, I went back to doing #moikasketchclub (my morning practice routine at www.twitch.tv/moikalive Here are some drawings as a result of that

  • Feeling more comfortable with my drawing skills, I started working on a new poster for Moika. You all voted for this, and I've been slowly developing it. Here is an update on that

I also did another poster design. The one that lost the poll. I really liked the idea of that one too, so I decided to transform it into a wallpaper idea. Here is a work in progress of that (it's an animated .gif, I hope it plays on your device)

And finally, I started working on the Music Video again. I have new shots that need animation. Here is one of them (animated .gif as well)

And that's about it. I hope that next month is a more productive month. Thank you very much for your support!

PS: $10 Patrons. I will be doing a private livestream this Sunday. Update incoming soon with all the details. It's probably going to be a Q&A / Drawing session.




LOVE IT!!! 😍😍😍


McLovin this🥇🏆




Awesome.... Awesome to the max!


Your work has been amazing! I'm excited for everything that is in the works and look forward to the progression to come!

Petar Son

Seeing the sketches you made and the character design of this girl is very interesting I mean the possible idea of how she can be a colleague to Moika or her possible best friend with whom she sometimes goes to nightclubs to have fun. The last option for the poster looks interesting like this in this gif, although the last gif with Moika and her virtual reality equipment looks just as good and the design of the whole equipment is very detailed, which I love.


Man, I swear, sometimes just being at a loss for words makes it hard to say just how much I love your work.


This is awesome dude!! Love the gif, it's so soothing and chill man, and love the colors and lighting! Awesome job dude, and happy to see Moika sketch club again! Amazing practice there! Hope I can join you guys again one of these days!


Absolutely beautiful


I would love to have a poster of the wallpaper that didnt win. It still looks amazing. And the coloring is perfect. Once this all gets off the ground you will ha e soo many ideas for merch. I can't wait to see this evolve. Do take time for yourself, you have an entire fanbase behind you and we will support in any way we can. Keep up the amazing artwork.


Hi, have you considered making that poster available as a Displate ? I personally never used them but heard great recomendations and would totally try them if you did that. Btw maybe you could even uplaod more artwork there. Just saying ;)




Hey man it’s been a while. Are you doing alright buddy?