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I want to design a poster for my next animation. This will work as promotional material but I have plans to sell it as well. So, if you were to get one of these, which one would you prefer?

The one with more votes will be the drawing that I finally develop.

Please vote!

Thank you!



B definitely feels more dynamic!


Love both if them!


That first one looks good, but the second looks really good.


I like both of them! but I think I have a slight inclination for B, that perspective is awesome! both are amazing choices though, 10/10!!


You should absolutely make it a Displate!

Petar Son

B is a picture where Moika looks most open and relaxed since she is at home and listening to her music so she has more freedom in which position she relaxes.


Not a foot person but still gotta go with B. See more of the body compared to A with her curled up.

Lord Nobleheart

The viewing angle of B is more unique and eye pleasing, a big win for promoting your latest video.


I like both, A I feel is more chill but I love the pose on B.


To be honest, you could go with either. Of course, I cast my vote, but the art you produce is so fantastic, I’d be so happy either way. You rock!