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Hello everyone. I am making this small update to apologize for the lack of updates and content.

This month started great and I made some good progress with the storyboard and the next Music Video . But last week I got hit by some real-life stuff that put me away from work.

It's a immigrant/paperwork stuff that I need to sort out before I can get back at drawing and animating.

Basically the country I am currently living issued me a "leave the country" notice after they denied some migration paperwork I did incorrectly ( because they basically gave me bad instructions -_- )

This put me into panic mode so I have invested all my time into solving this because I don't want to leave this country or my wife and kids. And the life we already made in here.

I have some good news tho. Today I finally got some clear instructions from Migrations on how I can solve my situation, but I am not at the end of this process. I will have to do more paperwork and talk with lawyers to proceed. But there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I hope I can bring you better updates and drawings soon!

Sadly right now this occupies my entire headspace and time.

I don't enjoy venting about this kind of things normally, but not talking about it or showing any kind of presence was stressing me out, because you are supporting me and I feel I need to bring you more content and updates about the project! 

By doing this is I am taking a little bit of this weight out of my shoulders. Thank you for listening!

And that's it. Wish me luck! And I wish you all the best, especially if you are going through some hard times as well!




hang in there!! take all the time you need 😁


Sounds pretty heavy. Good luck.


I wish you the best of luck! You can do it! <3


Hang in there and good luck man!


Good lucky Moika


Heck... all the best to you Moika, hope it resolves soon.


Best of luck wished. And don’t you worry, we understand completely. Life comes first, boss man


holy shit dude, hope it pans out positively!


Just let us know if there's anything we can do to help, other than just keep supporting you here which I'll be doing anyway. :)


It's all good Moika we understand and take the time you need to sort out this issue. Wish you the best

Sin Hunter

Good luck!!


Best of luck, try movie here to Canada, the more the merrier. Unless you are being removed from here, then they don't know what they are missing


Good Luck!!


It's fine. Get everything sorted.


Take the time you need, personal issues take priority in my book. You'll pull through this roadblock.


Wish you the best of luck Moika! and I'm glad to hear that there is a good solution for your situation, so no worries! I know you got this! you have our full support man!


Agreed with all the others, Take the time you need to make sure you are in a safe environment and get back to the art when you are able!


Best of Luck bro.


I hope your problems will be solved soon. All the best!


Take your time and focus on you we will be here through thick and thin


Hope you get this all sorted out. Sounds really stressful. Best of luck.


good luck and take all the time you need to sort it all out, thats the most important thing.


My sincere prayers, Moika. I pray that all is sorted out smoothly. The Twitch Community got your back, and when it comes to family...take ALL the time you need. Ayee-Yo!

Nicholas Bell

I hope all turns out well


You do you, Moika -I know the drill!


Good luck, man. I hope it will be over soon and you will get your peace for art work. ;)


Like always man, we're here to support you,good luck mate!(buena suerte ,espero te vaya bien!)


I hope everything turns out for the best for ya, Life can be a real pain at times. Wishing the best of luck for you!

Petar Son

I wish you all the best in resolving your situation. I hope for good news.


hanging there Moika! and don't worry for asking wishes,because I will wish you for all the end of time so take care of yourself.


I hope you can get everything sorted out soon and get back to doing what you enjoy. I wish you the best luck.


Do what you need to do. We understand and will be here. <3


Take your time and don't stress bb! The government always tryna fuck us 💔


Hope you can get it sorted out!!!


hope you get through this with ease, and thanks for your hard work and dedication.

Just Lurkin' About

Take your time my dude, just get back to where you need to be to be at your best.


I think I speak for all of us when I say your real life always comes first and we're happy to wait. These are important issues and no matter the outcome you have supporters here and elsewhere.

Cardinal Libidine

If they screwed you, that's on them, not you. We got your back good sir.


Well, having issues with paperwork and especially migration is a real deal. So take your time and do your best what you can do. My sister is also having a trouble with migration. So I know how serious and panic you are. Be safe and I really hope everything goes well.


good luck with all that. Our support for you continues!