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Hello everyone. I hope you are all having a great month. I know it's been a while, so I want to use this post as a big update on many things that may concern you about my project, the stickers and also me.

Some personal stuff

This month has been a bit rough and not productive and that's why you haven't heard much from me. Too keep it short: BURNOUT. It disabled me for about two weeks. I wasn't feeling the drive to do draw or animate during these days. Not because I was not inspired, but because a lot of outside stuff in my life needed my attention. It took me a while, but 5 days ago I came back to my usual rhythm. So that's great news! 

Project DJ Moika

Now that burnout is no longer a thing. I am back to working on this project at full speed. At my Discord (#work-in-progress )I have posted many updates about it. Here it's a selection of some new stuff.

I am super happy to be back at working on this small project, and can't wait to update you more about it soon!

STICKERS | Current status.

Many of you joined my $10 tier last month for my stickers (an offer that was only available until May 15th). And some people have already received theirs. If you haven't received your sticker yet this is the current status that may explain why.

  • Not all Stickers have been shipped yet. Around 2/3 out of 1200 orders have been shipped. Most US ones are already on the way, and international will be the last push. If you are outside of the US please be patient!
  • There are 208 users who didn't input their address correctly. I sent an email a few weeks ago asking for their shipping information. Please double check the email your Patreon is registered with for an email from "moikaloop@gmail.com", it may be in your spam folder. ( I will send another email to these cases once we are done with all the shipping we have for now)

Some things to consider:

  • If you pledged $10 only for the stickers, you don't have to stay at $10. You can lower (or even cancel) your pledge for your finances. I always appreciate the extra support to my project, but your finances should come first.
  • Please be patient. It may take some time, but you will get them!

And that's about it, thank you all so much for your time and support. I can't wait to have more news to share with you!

( Pic from a Patreon user. It's no longer a surprise but you are also getting a Moika Bomb sticker and a little thank you card! )




Got my stickers today. They look awesome.


Cant wait to get mine, international soon :)


Burn out is a killer, but luckily we're not micromanagers. I don't think anyone here will be upset if you take the time you need to make content and merch you'll be satisfied with 🙂


Thanks Moika! Glad to know you are feeling better, and awesome work on DJ Moika, I'm loving how she is turning out and loving the concept too!! The stickers are looking amazing, and thanks for all the hard work you put into everything you do! Keep it up man, you are doing amazing! 10/10!!!!


Ii finally received mine yay


These stickers are too cool to use, haha


I got mine a few days ago; appreciate it they’re AWESOME!!! I’m new to your work and when I saw the full bodied video I had to support you ASAP! Keep up the great work and it’s fine take breaks when you need to!😁🤙🏼


For some reason I don't have access to work in progress like I use to have.


I know that burnout feeling to well, I haven’t got my yet but I double checked my address to make sure it right so it’s only a matter of time X3


these aer awesome, love the cape look

Petar Son

That’s what I call a sexy DJ i really adore how she looks with a hood and a little cape and those yellow markings on the body and especially those long black boots at least that’s how they look on the concept art to me. In general i love the results and i look forward to new ones.


Hey man! We all now great content need the artist to be alright,so good to hear you take care of yourself,love your art man!


No worries, take time when you need. Hopefully I did my address correctly.....


As much as I enjoy the eroticism of Moika... her unbridled positivity is what keeps me engaged as a fan. She always makes me smile.Thanks for that!


I got mine today!!!!! So awesome!


I got mine today they're perfect as added flare to my MTG deck


I just got my stickers a few days ago! I'm excited to put them on my new xbox series X when I get one lmao


I got mine, I put the moika bomb over the dell symbol on my laptop and the other two on either side of that. =)


Just got my stickers and they are awesome! I am a sticker goblin hoarder, so I don't know if I can ever "use" them on anything


Immediately stuck these to the laptop I'm typing this on.

Snnow Wolfe

Can't wait for DJ Moika


Just got my stickers, thanks!