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Pick your favorite Nurse! 


I will animate one of these sexy nurses to remind everyone to stay at home and to wash their hands to fight this fucking virus! Just a fun little thing I want to do in hard times like this. So please don't take it too seriously.

But real talk, I hope you are all safe and taking the necessary precautions. And I hope that the current economic situation doesn't impact you too hard either. 

And hey, I understand if next month you have to stop supporting my Patreon for financial reasons. I know that what I do it's not something that should be on your top-priorities hehe, so take care and maybe in the future come back if you want ;)

Also, I want to apologize for the lack of content this month. This Camie animation got way more ambitious than I first planned:

It was a hard month for me too, but I won't go over details. I am much better now!

To those leaving before next month, I have some good news: I won't change my MEGA folder password/address for April. So if you want to check my Camie animation when it's done, you will be able to. I feel that I own it to you. So save it on a text file or whatever, just in case.

And for the rest who decide to stay, thank you very much! I know I will also face some hard times but with your support, I have nothing to complain about. I will just continue animating!



All good choices. Thanks for the update glad your feeling better.