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I'm finally done with uni for the semester!! wooOOOo no more exams or assignments to worry about for a month or two.

As I'll have a lot more time on my hands now I have opened up some more spots for the higher tiers on my patreon which are the custom video tiers! So if you have been wanting to receive a custom ASMR video from me now is your time.

I intend on pumping out heaps of ASMR videos for my channel while I'm on holidays so look forward to that hehe~ 



Love when Aussies say "heaps"


How does the custom video order process work? Do we describe what we're hoping for in an email, and then you either approve/disapprove, and if approved we then pay whatever is agreed upon in the email, and then you make the video for the person? Is it a private video for that person only? Thank you.


Dont forget to relax Alicia!


Usually patrons will pledge what custom video tier they want and then tell me what triggers or w/e they want for the video. But I have had a few people message me on patreon before pledging to the NSFW custom video just to make sure I'm comfortable with the video idea they have. All my custom orders go through patreon so the price is set and yes it is a private video just for that person :)


Lol I mean, we (North America) kinda do, but it's rare. We more often say "tons" or "loads" or "a bunch". But I love heaps, don't ever stop saying it pls


Oh I will definitely have a lot of time to relax heh Very much needed after the last few weeks of uni


One last question, if I may: The $150 lewd tier says "This tier is reserved for one patron each month," -- is this one of the "higher tiers" that you'll be opening up more spots for? Thank you again, Alicia! <3


Yes I opened up more spots for that one! It is usually reserved for one person a month but because I'm on holidays I figured I'd increase the number of pledges possible for all custom tiers.


Noooo! Im too late :(


Aw noo sorry! If I manage to film custom videos earlier this month I might still open up more spots

Dave M.

Congratulations on completing your "uni" semester!! Here in America, we call the school after high school "College," never "University" or "Uni". Us Americans are weird. hahaha "Where'd you go to College?" ALWAYS.... never "Where'd you go to University?" even if it's Harvard University. haha

Dave M.

I don't. For me, "a lot" or "tons" or "a ton" or "a bunch"... less common for me: "loads"... unless we're talking about something else...... ;) LAUNDRY!! Oh, boy..... get your minds out of the gutter. HAHAHAHA jk I was thinking it too.

Dave M.

It's all good. A college is usualy a smaller school where people study to get degrees. Universities are the same but bigger and some are more expensive than colleges. I find some things weird about Australia, too. Like the accent is interesting.... why is there a bit of an "r" sound in the words "no" or "go" or "oh" or "okay" or any "o" sound? hahaha You probably don't hear it since you're a native, but I find it so strange and interesting at the same time. Dialects are so cool. I'm from Massachusetts (around the Boston area) and some natives have odd accents here, too. Kind of like Aussies/Kiwis/Scots/Brits... Bostonians drop their "r" at the end.... "pahk yah cah in the pahking lot..." LMAO!! I don't really have a Boston accent even though I still grew up in the state.


Just woke up to the news and it’s sold out already :(


College is usually more hands-on education and fields as opposed to a more "scholarly" University.


aw I'm so sorry :( as soon as I have more free time outside of uni I will increase the spots for custom videos